Chapter 1

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Hey it's Taelen here, At my school I'm known as one of the most known females in school due to a couple of talents that I have along with my sister Kyra . We're not identical but we're twins, I'm the loud, crazy, and lazy one that eats most of the time && she's the peace maker who stays to her self but if someone wants to hit then she's ready for anyhting. We're actually mixed with a couple of things. We also have greenish-brown eyes thanks to our mom KERI HILSON && our father the one and only LiL Fizz from B2K . We are about to start our last year at Los Angeles School Of Performing Arts along with our friends Destiny and Shawnessy who are cousins by the way. At school me and Kyra are into the whole scene of dance and singing due to the fact that our parents got us started at a young age. Hold on a second im getting a call from Destiny

Me: Wassup Des

Destiny: Heyyy guess what my mom just brought home

Me: Ummm I don't know, just tell me

Destiny : She got me 4 tickets and backstage passes to go see Mindless Behavior along with passes to their Meet n Greet this weekend from her job

Destiny's mom is well known in the music industry because of the fact that she manages a couple artists that you probably listen to everyday..

Me: *clueless* Mindless who ?

Destiny: You dont know the boy band with 4 of the most sexiest boys known to man?

Me: Nope not at all

Destiny : .....

Me: Anyways, did you and Shawnessy want to spend the night tonight so we could go shopping tomorrow???

Destiny: Yessss I need a girls night, I'll call and ask her

Me: Alright I'll see yall later

Destiny: Okay bye

Afterwards I went to Kyra's room and saw she was playing with our 3 month old pitbull spike

Me: Hey wassup

Kyra: Hey whats going on

Me: I just got off the phone with Destiny and she told me her mom got her some tickets and passes for some group called Mindless Behavior?

After sitting in a minute of silence I look up at her from my phone and see that she has a blank stare as if she's in a deep thought

Me: Um earth to Kyra? I said as I waved my hand in her face

Kyra: .... You really don't know who Mindless Behavior is!?

Me: No and stop yelling at me

She then grabs her phone and goes to youtube to type something in. A couple minutes later she hands me the phone and I see 4 boys performing on stage

Me: So this is them??

Kyra: Yesss how could you not know about them??

Me: Probably because I don't pay attention to stuff that doesnt matter to me

I then got up and told her that the girls were staying the night so we could go shopping tomorrow since it was going to be Friday and the show was Saturday. I headed downstairs and saw Daddy sitting in the living room watching a movie so I decided to bother him

Me: Heyy daddy *wraps my arms around his neck*

Daddy: Heyy baby girl whats up

Me: Nothin much, Destiny told me her mom had get tickets for some boy band that I don't know about and sooo I was wondering if her and Shawnessy could stay the night so we could go shopping for the show tomorrow?

Dad: sure as long as me and your mom has some alone time at one point ;)

Me: 1. Thank you daddy *kisses his cheek* && 2. Ew daddy *runs upstairs*

so after the confirmation i hopped in the shower and while i was in i heard a song by that group Destiny loves mindless whatever called Used To Be . To be honest I actually liked the song even though Ive never heard of them , so when i got out the shower I threw on something casual but cute . While i was getting dressed i heard the doorbell and somebody answer it, Kyra had the same idea as me with what she wore

Me: Hey Kyra who was it ?

Kyra: Destiny && Shawnessy

Me: Okay let's go to my room then

Once we got into my room we got on Netflix and put on the movie Think Like a Man. I dont care what no on says, Michael Ealy is forever mine man..

Shawnessy: Jesus Michael Ealy! Michael Ealy!!

Me: Shawnessy you better get your own man, I already had dibbs on him

Shawnessy: Girl since when??

Destiny and Kyra: Trust us, she already did

Shawnessy: Maaaannn fuck yo dibbs

Me: Okay, I got you.. Dont worry

Through the rest of the night we watched a couple more movies and just talked about random stuff and decided on going skating a little after we go shopping. For some reason I feel as if something different is going to happen but I hope it's nothing bad...

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