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Saihara's P.O.V

I knock lightly on Shinguji's door, the sound echoing lightly into the hallway. Akamatsu just told me a few minutes ago that Shinguji wants to talk to me in his room. "He told me it's something really important," she had said with a concerned face. Then she had smiled with her big, always beautiful smile and said, "Whatever it is, I hope everything is okay."

That's what I'm hoping too. I hope I didn't do anything to upset him, or that he didn't get himself hurt.

I feel a little bit of relief rush through me when I hear Shinguji's voice answer, "Saihara-kun?" through the door.

I sigh, a small smile forming on my face. "Yeah. Can I come in?"



No reply.

Worrying, I press my ear against the door. Through the thin metal, I hear whispering. Someone else is in the room with him, but I can't identify who it is. Their voice is too soft for me to figure out who Shinguji is talking to.

"Shinguji-kun, are you okay?" I ask, anxiety slowly building up inside me.

Finally, in a cheery voice, I hear Shinguji say, "Yeah, I'm fine. Come in."

Slowly, I press the button on console next to the door and it opens. As I step through, it shuts behind me with a loud clanking noise, the sound making me wince with annoyance. The sound is very bothersome, especially to me, someone who hates noise like that.

When I look around Shinguji's room, I don't see anyone. The room looks deserted, the only sign of life being a smoking pipe sitting on his desk, smoke swirling from the end of it. I didn't even think he smoked. Just looking at it gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. I can't even imagine using something like that, breathing in such unhealthy toxins to feel good. Although I myself can't understand the joy of it, I will not judge other people for liking it. After all, it's their choice to slowly destroy their lungs.

"Shinguji-kun?" I say, slowly walking through the room. No reply is received. I glance into the open bathroom as I pass by it, but he is nowhere to be seen.

I turn the corner and see him lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling with a despairing look on his face. He looks worried, but it's hard to tell with his mask on. His eyebrows are furrowed, and he looks upset. I stare at him for a few moments before walking toward him. "Um, Shinguji-kun?"

Shinguji turn his head toward me and I see his eyes shining with fear. "Saihara-kun, help me."

I take a step closer to him and ask, "Why? What happened?"

He sits up and turns away from me, and I can see him rub his eyes with his sleeve. "It's Amami-kun," he says. "He's trying to steal something away from me. It's something...really important, really dear to my heart." His head slowly lowers and he mumbles, "Please, I need you."

I can't wrap my head around the idea. Amami being a thief? It doesn't sound like him at all, or like anyone in this school for that matter.

"Calm down," I say, walking towards him. I place my hand on his shoulder. "I'll help you out. What's he trying to steal?"

Before I can even process it, Shinguji grabs my hand in his. He quickly stand up and swings me around, pushing me onto his bed as he towers above me, his hands pinning my wrists to the mattress.

My brain finally registers what has happened. "Sh-Shinguji-kun? W-What are you...?"


The word doesn't fully enter my head for a few moments, and when it does I feel the anxiety I had before return. "...What?"

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