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*Saihara's POV*

Saihara wakes up with sore arms at eleven in the afternoon. The reds number on his clock taunts him from only feet away, judging him harshly. He's never slept in past seven, and now that he has, he feels groggy and broken. Sleeping late is definitely not as good as his classmates make it out to be.

The detective pulls himself out of bed, rubbing his eyes as he runs a tired hand through his messy hair. What happened last night?

"Good afternoon Saihara-chan! You're finally awake!"

Saihara jumps at the sound of the sudden voice, feeling a pair of hands rest on his shoulders. He is spun around and met with the eyes of Ouma, who brings their faces close together. Saihara's face lights up as he comprehends how close they are, only inches apart. His shoulders stiffen as he scrambles his mind for an explanation for their positions, only for him to draw a blank.

"O-Ouma-kun! Wh-What are you—?!

"Well, actually, it's still 'good morning'. I mean, it's only eleven, right?" Ouma looks completely unfazed by their positions, nor by their proximity.

Saihara tries to calm his heart down. There's no reason to freak out. There has to be a perfectly logical explanation for this. He tries asking again,"Ouma-kun, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm going to be here when you wake up, especially after last night."

"Last night...?"

Last night, Saihara was woken up by Momota to do exercises in the main area of the dorms. They eventually stopped and talked deeply about the future. Then... nothing. Everything after was blank.

"Yep!" Ouma continues. "I woke up around three and came out of the dorms to get midnight snack... Well, a three-in-the-morning snack, actually." He shrugs. "Anyways, when I walked out, I saw Momota-kun sitting next to you, shaking your shoulder." Ouma giggles. "When I asked about it, all he said was that you passed out. Of course, I had to make sure you were okay!"

Saihara frowns and brings his hand up to his forehead in tired frustration. "What are you talking about? I don't remember falling asleep in the hall." I'm pretty sure I would remember that.

"Don't be dumb, Saihara-chan" Ouma laughs. "Of course you don't remember that. You were asleep when it happened, after all." He exhales dramatically, "Honestly, Saihara-chan, I thought you were smarter than that."

Saihara's eyes roll. Well, he's definitely not the same Ouma who was talking to me yesterday. As that thought enters his head, another follows right behind it, one that makes his heart sink.

If he was acting differently yesterday, then what was the friendship he said we had? Was it a...a lie?

Saihara motions for Ouma to let go and Ouma does so, though still stands in close proximity. Saihara then sees that the smaller boy had brought a chair to sit beside the detective. Was he...waiting for me to wake up this whole time?

Saihara rubs his eyes. "Did Momota-kun bring me back here?"

Ouma nods with a large grin on his face. "And I helped too, of course."

"You helped him...?"

"Yup! He didn't want me helping at first, but there was no way I was going to leave you there!"

A small rush of gratitude flows through Saihara. Momota wasn't lying to him when he said they were friends. And the fact that Ouma helped him... It argued against his thoughts.

"Hey Ouma-kun, by any chance, were you waiting for me?"

"Why would you think that, Saihara-chan?" Ouma grins, lips stretched as if he's hiding a secret.

{You Can Tell Me Anything} ~ OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now