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*Ouma's POV*

"Saihara-chan?" Ouma calls, knocking on the door to Saihara's dorm room. "Are you there?"

It's been maybe a little over 24 hours since him and Saihara have spoken last, the last time being yesterday morning in his room. Nothing interesting in particular happened during that break in time. All he did was pace through the same hall repeatedly, maybe a thousand times or so, thinking about all of his classmates. He'd hoped to figure out who's the one doing these things to Saihara.

Iruma? She tried to have her way with him in her room. But she seemed surprised when she saw him in the library. Was she faking?

Chabashira? She hates guys, right? Would she be willing to stoop so low to hurt one? Although, that kind of behavior could be against her teachings.

Yumeno? ...She's just too lazy.

Akamatsu? Impossible. She would never do something like that to Saihara. They're too close. She's too kind.

Yonaga? She follows a strange religion that makes her do weird things to other people. Would she be willing to do all of this for her religion?

Toujou? That's hard to believe, too. She's like the mother of our class. She wouldn't hurt Saihara.

Harukawa? Wouldn't she kill him before making him look like an idiot? She's an assassin. She was trained to kill efficiently, not sadistically.

Shirogane? She complimented the outfit he was wearing, and told him what was wrong with it. As a dedicated cosplayer, would she really let the uniform fit him improperly?

Hoshi? Could he even have that kind of power over Saihara? He doesn't seem like he wants to hurt anyone but himself...

Gokuhara? Of course not.

Kiibo? He was making fun of Saihara when he found him, but that's because he didn't know better. He's a robot after all. Are there those rules of robots or whatever? He can't hurt people, can he?

Amami? He's a mysterious person that we don't know much about. Would he actually hurt Saihara? But he was with them in the library, wasn't he? He was quiet the entire time though. Why does he have to be such an enigma?

Shinguuji? He does weird things, yeah, but hurting someone? He says creepy things and talks about the dead and stuff, but actually forcing the things he does onto a student? Would he actually?

Momota? But Momota was helping Saihara, wasn't he? There's no way.


Just the thought of it makes his blood run cold. Is he doing these things to himself? But he looks in pain. Is he into that sort of thing? Public humiliation? Uniform? Pain?

Ouma's face blushes when he realizes what he's thinking about. "Stop that," he says, chastising himself. "Don't think about him like that. He's your friend." The word 'friend' lingers on his tongue, almost teasing him. He bites down on his tongue, hoping to make it stop, only to send a swelling pain through his mouth. After a moment of rubbing his tongue against the roof of his mouth, he knocks on the door once again.

"Saihara-chan? Are you awake?"

"I've been awake for a few hours now."

Ouma jumps when he hears a voice behind him and he spins around to see the detective with a weak smile on his face. His eyes look terribly sad.

"Oh, right. It's like, nine, isn't it? You usually wake up at seven."

Saihara let's out a soft laugh. "You keep track of my sleeping better then I do."

{You Can Tell Me Anything} ~ OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now