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*Amami’s POV*
Amami sits in front of the computer screen, staring at the footage. Iruma is straddling Saihara's small body, pinning his wrists above his head and kissing him deeply on the lips. Saihara doesn't resist, and his expression is blank, almost as if he's trying to block out the event taking place. To anyone, it would seem as if this whole situation was consented, and that's what makes this perfect blackmail against Saihara.

Despite this, Amami edits the video, covering the footage in grey background and white text the reads “File Lost". He hits the play button watches intently. It shows Iruma grabbing Saihara and pulling him closer, him pulling away, and falling. As Iruma sulters closer to Saihara, the footage stops, “File Lost”.

Amami smiles with satisfaction. He saves the file to the computer, and the processing window comes up, giving him an estimated finish time of five minutes. If Amami gives this to Shinguuji, they'll have to backtrack on their plans. There's no way Iruma will do this again, especially after what happened between her and Gokuhara. In fact, none of the other girls would ever do this to Saihara.

“What are you doing?”

Amami jumps and whips his head around to see Shinguuji standing behind him, staring down at him with menacing eyes. Amami swears at himself internally for forgetting to lock the door, for choosing to wait until now to change the footage.

The blonde gives a forced smile. “The footage was lost, so I'm trying to recover it.”

Shinguuji spares a glance at the computer screen, and his eyebrows lower. “Then why are you saving it with the footage still lost in the file?”

Amami blanks. “…Saving progress.”

Shinguuji seems to consider this possibility. However, that doesn't stop him from reaching over and grabbing the mouse, clicking “cancel" on the saving screen. He then proceeds to click the undo button a few times. Eventually, all the footage is visible. When Shinguuji hits the play button, it runs smoothly.

The two don't make eye contact, sitting in painful silence. Amami keeps his eyes locked on the screen, fearful of what will happen if he decides to looks up.

“You intrigue me, Amami-kun,” Shinguuji mumbles. “We agreed to work with each other, yet you're keeping secrets from me.” He glares down at Amami. “Are you asking to break off our partnership?”

“Don't be ridiculous,” Amami scoffs. “Of course not. I would never ask to break it off.”

When Amami finally dares to meet Shinguuji’s eyes, he sees the corners crinkled around the emptiness. They are so incredibly blank, deprived of any real emotion. The cause of this void in Shinguuji remains unknown to Amami, but Amami knows better than to ask him. He'd never get a straight answer out of the man anyways.

“That's good to hear,” Shinguuji replies. “There's still much left to do. We can't have sudden doubts, you know.”

Amami nods in agreement. “Right. Sorry, I guess it's just hard to do this sometimes.”

“Where is he now?”

“Last I heard, Ouma-kun's room,” Amami responds, digging through his memory. “Momota-kun mentioned himself, Ouma-kun, and Saihara-kun spending some time together.”

Shinguuji stays silent for a moment, as if he's trying to think about what to do with this information. Turns out this was right, because Shinguuji commands Amami to take out his phone.

“Keep in contact with Saihara-kun,” he says. “Make sure he does exactly what we asked him to. When he confirms he did, go meet with him to make sure he's telling the truth.”

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