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*Ouma's POV*

The hallways feel so empty. I mean, they're usually empty, with there being only sixteen people living in this giant school, but they feel even worse than usual.

I'm hiding from Kiibo. Not in a mean way of course. I'm playing hide and seek with him. I know that most people our age don't play hide and seek, but I feel like playing with a robot will be interesting, especially if he is never able to find me. I want to know what it will be like if a robot gets angry at such an easy kid's game.

Now I'm walking alone, heading to the dorms. I'm planning on hiding in Amami-kun's room, since that will probably be one of the last places he checks, and I seem to be the only one to notice that Amami never locks his door. If I lock it from the inside, then it'll seem perfectly normal, and Kiibo will get angry, then I can see his reaction. It's brilliant, if I do say so myself.

I make it to the dormitories and stare at Amami's door with a smile on my face. I know that this isn't technically considered fair, but it's for research, so anything goes, right? I want to learn all I can about Kiibo and how his robot mechanics work. Maybe then I can use the design to create robots for my secret society.

I'm about to press the button to the blonde's door when I stop. I hear something, something that sounds upsetting. It sounds like...crying. I turn around and survey the room, but don't see anyone. Shaking my head, I face the button once again. This time, however, I don't even attempt to press it. These painful noises I'm hearing have my interest, and it's not leaving until I figure out where these sounds are coming from.

Not seeing anyone on the bottom floor, I decide to go upstairs and see if it's coming from the second floor dormitories. I see the sight before I even make it to the top of the stairs.

Saihara sits in the hallway against Shinguji's door, his legs pulled up the chest and his face buried in his arms, trembling. However, his position isn't the first thing I notice when I see him. No, the first thing I notice is his outfit. My jaw drops as soon as I see the clothes he's dressed in.

It's a maid's outfit. The dress looks like it only goes down half of his thigh, the frilly ends wrapping around his body in a way that makes Saihara look more feminine than he already does. A black, lace choker is wrapped around his neck, and a frilly headpiece is perched on his head. He has black heels covering his feet.

He's crying.

I don't know why, but I don't laugh. Usually I would, and I always thought it would be hilarious to see Saihara in tears, but now that it's actually happening...I don't feel like laughing.

I approach him slowly, careful not to make any hasty motions, and crouch down in front of him.


The detective's head flicks up so fast it makes my own neck hurt just seeing it. As soon as his eyes meet mine, I see his face turn a fiery shade of red. He tries to back away from me, but he's already against the wall, making the effort useless.

"O-Ouma-kun!" He yelps. "I-I just- You- I can't-" He stops trying to explain the situation to me. Instead, his eyes quickly fill up with tears and begin pouring down his face.

I'm taken aback by the scene. His eyes glow red before he shuts them tightly, looking away from me with shame written on his face. His body shakes wildly, his shoes producing a faint clicking sound.

Tap shoes.

I place my hand gently on his leg. I don't want to say anything to him. After all, what am I supposed to say? Instead, I want him to know that I'm here. I know, it feels weird for the Super High School Level Supreme Leader to want to comfort someone, especially Saihara, but I can't help it. Seeing him like this doesn't make me feel as happy as I thought it would. It actually makes me feel really upset.

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