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All chapters from here on out are told in third person unless said otherwise, the thoughts being switched between each one. Next chapter will be expressing Ouma's thoughts while Saihara's remain hidden. Have fun!

*Saihara's POV*

The school seems a little darker. The hallways seem to scream at Saihara, telling him how stupid he is as he runs through them, sprinting as far away from everyone as his legs will allow him to. His balance is uneasy in the heels, and he stumbles along the way, the sounds of the metal soles hitting the floor ringing loudly in the open space.

The detective tries to ignore the tears that run down his face, but his mind won't let him. They make his head thump in pain every time his foot hits the floor. His heart beats wildly, both from exhaustion and emotions. He can hardly breathe, but keeps running anyways, no destination set. He just wants to get as far away as he can get from them. Saihara wants the group to forget they ever saw him this way, that they saw what he had to wear. With Amami there to see it all too. It's just what Amami wanted: Saihara's humiliation.

As the raven-haired boy runs, he lands incorrectly on one of the heels and his ankle buckles beneath him and he falls to the floor, his knees rubbing harshly against the tiles. One of the tap shoes goes flying off of his feet, hitting a set of lockers. His teeth clench together, holding back a painful yelp.

Saihara doesn't look to see if he's hurt. Instead, he lets the pain course through his body. It feels awful, but he doesn't make it stop. Instead, he snatches the headpiece off of his head and chucks it as far as he can down the hallway, a ping of satisfaction coming from the sight of the accessory hitting the floor. Even so, it isn't enough to drain the agony out of him.

The memories pound against his head, forcing him to remember the events that had just taken place moments ago. The way everyone laughed at him, teased him, hated him. Saihara can't shake away the sight of shock on their faces when they saw him. The way their faces turned bright red, their eyes widened with too many emotions for the boy to count.

Tears start running down his face from both anger and sadness. He's never cried so much before, and now it's catching up with him and making him feel really dizzy, his vision blurring slightly as his temples throb in pain. He helplessly looks down at the ground, an arm keeping him propped upright, and silently sobs, a few of his large tears hitting the floor. What else is he supposed to do? Amami and Shinguji have him backed into a corner, and there's no escape. How am I supposed to beat them?

Suddenly someone shouts to him from behind. "Saihara-chan!" They call. He doesn't look back, but recognizes the voice nonetheless. It's Ouma.

His shoes patter against the floor, becoming louder with every step he takes towards the detective. Saihara wants to get up and run away, never let Ouma see him again, but Saihara can't find the energy to stand, as if he's being pressed against the floor, weighed down by unknown forces.

Ouma appears in his sight, kneeling down in front of Saihara with an expression displaying alarm. Saihara doesn't look him in the eye. He's afraid that if he does, he will never be able to forgive himself, staring into Ouma's eyes with emotions swelling inside of him, and suddenly breaking down in front of the supreme leader once again. He'll call me weak, tell everyone how undeniably pitiful I am, Saihara thinks. I can't seem as broken as I already do. I need to be stronger.

"Are you okay?" Ouma asks him gently, placing a hand over Saihara's. The latter's heart rate increases and his face heats up. He's about to pull his hand away and hide the blush covering his cheeks when he remembers that he's crying, that it's hidden within his tears.

Saihara shakes his head. "They all saw me like this," he whispers, trying to control his tear ducts.

Ouma laughs lightly, a small smile forming on his face. "Yeah, but it's okay. It was really funny to see you dressed this way, honestly." Saihara's eyebrows furrow. He is fully aware that Ouma teases people a lot, and that he sometimes says things that accidentally offend instead of help, but his words hit the detective hard. They feel like poison entering his body.

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