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Hey everyone! I've been missing you guys a heck of a lot recently, and boy am I happy that my inspiration to write came back to me. Recently, I went back and looked over this story, and I noticed a huge contrast in the first chapters to the newest chapters, most notably, the number of plot holes and poor writing in the first half of the book. I realize now that I didn't have the outline of the story solidified until I was already a quarter way through the book (25 chapters in total, oh boy!), and by then, it felt too late to fix them. But I kind of just had this revelation in the form of a question as of late:

Why is it too late to fix the first half of the story?

Therefore, I am going to be completely rewriting You Can Tell Me Anything.

I can hear the criticism coming in already, and please, before you guys decide to gang bang me with negativity, allow me to at least publish the first chapter again and show you guys the increase in quality? I'd like to believe that I am a better writer now, so I want my entire story to show what I am able to do as an author, not just the most recent chapters. I'll still leave this story up for you guys, but I'm going to be making the rewrite into a completely separate book that you will be able to find on my account, or buy simply looking up "You Can Tell Me Anything REWRITE".

Thank you guys for all of your support and love, and I hope that you guys enjoy the rewriting of You Can Tell Me Anything <3

~ Izzy

{You Can Tell Me Anything} ~ OumasaiWhere stories live. Discover now