Chapter 21: I will take care of you from now on.

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Nadeshiko pov

I am so stupid why the hell did i tell him that!!! stupid me.

Ren is a vampire, vampire are meant to be fast, so he caught up with Nadeshiko in a flash. And Ren grab Nadeshiko shoulders and ask,''My must have been painful.'' Ren hug Nadeshiko and Nadeshiko tried to struggle and she give up and said,''Yes, it was painful as hell, and if you want to know where our baby is she is currently fighting with the devils.'' Ren eyes widen and he ask,''Who?" Nadeshiko said,''Sawako, she's is our daughter, half vampire and half holy, Sawako already know this since the day she was born, and that is why she also never age, it was hard always lying to Kaname who is smart.'' Ren smile and hug her again and said,''Once this battle is over, want to have a happy life together?" Nadeshiko reply,''If you promise to not abandon me anymore, i will give you everything of me.'' Ren laughs and said,''I promise to take care of Nadeshiko forever and our daughter Sawako, forever until Nadeshiko abandon me.'' Nadeshiko giggle, and the lovers trouble end here, moving on.

Hikaru woke up and she feels very warm and when she turns she saw Hibiki sleeping next to her. Hikaru snuggle up to him and she realize that she is forbidden to. Hikaru sit up and she still hear the battle continuing, Hikaru get up from her bed and she exit her room and goes to the throne room, Hikaru feels her magic is not completely back but she can fight.

When Hikaru enter the throne room, she saw that her big brother turn to ash in front of her. Hikaru shout,''ONI-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Hikaru runs to Kuon and she hurry and try to heal him and Kuon grab her hand and holds it tightly and he weakly said,''Ru-un.'' Those were his last words, Hikaru shouts,''NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.'' Tears started to drop. The only one standing in the devil king, Akiro. Akiro laughs and smock face appear and he said,''This is all you got, what weaklings vampire are, unbelievable.'' Hikaru anger increase and she stands up and her face is now scary. Akiro said,''Oh ho, so now the princess is finally going to fight me, come on girl, you can't fight me alone.'' Hikaru said,''I am not alone.'' 

Nadeshiko, Kaname, Misaki, Sawako, Kazuki, and Hibiki all of them sense Hikaru need of power, and all of them send their power to Hikaru. Hikaru received all of her comrade powers and she whisper,''You guys are the best.'' Hikaru mutter a spell and she said,''I summon you, prism light.'' A triangle form around Akiro and he is shock and he said,''You aren't going to use this spell right?! This is forbidden rule!!! Vampire and devils are not allow to use this spell!!!'' Hikaru smirk and said,''Well, sorry to disappointed you but i am not a pure vampire, i am both holy warrior and a vampire! DESU SWORD! COME FORTH!'' A light big sword came down from the sky and through the castle and breaking it, the sword pierce through Akiro and he shatter like glass and he disappear. Hikaru said,''Your the one who broke the rule first, making your body invincible and you think i won't know it, what a joke.'' Hikaru looks back at where her brother died. The castle all devils and vampire are gone, the castle is gone and the sun finally rises once again in the world.

Hikaru went outside and she saw everyone waiting for her, she saw Ren and she want to go and hug him but she stop herself, Nadeshiko and Ren are holding hands, Hikaru thought she would be a third wheel if she go and hug Ren. Nadeshiko softly said,''So the war has ended.'' Kaname said,''Would it be cheesy if i said we should make this world a better world?" Misaki reply,''This world only us 8 is left.'' Hikaru smile and said,''No one knows what the future lays lets go home!'' Kazuki smile and said,''We do have own palace and our own pets waiting for us! Race you all there.'' 

Setting: Night, Hikaru and Hibiki alone.

Hibiki sit next to Hikaru in the fields and he pull Hikaru on his shoulder. Hibiki said,''Losing someone important to you it is ok for you to cry.'' Hikaru let herself lose and she cry very hard. 

Everyone ran home and the sun shines brighter than usual and the normal humans day begin, the sun rise and fall. Hikaru and Ren vampire powers are gone. The days of vampires and devil are gone, everyone is now human. The magical creatures now turn into normal animals with no special powers but everyone hang on until the day they finally perish from earth. 

1 million years later, Earth became what we see now. No vampires no devils and no magic, just normal.

High school bell rings. 

Misaki Kurata shouts,''HIKARU!!! IF YOU DON'T RUN FASTER, I AM GOING TO LEAVE YOU BEHIND!!!!'' Hikaru shout,''WAITTTT FOR MEEEEEEE.'' Misaki shouts,''Mo!!!!! Everyone is already at school!!!'' Then Ren and Nadeshiko appear next to them,''Well, not ''exactly'' everyone.'' Hikaru pants and manage to said,''Its rare for you to be late, Ren.'' Ren reply,''This girl overslept and i had to wait her up.'' Kaname was suddenly next to Hikaru other side too and she said,''I know right, you guys sure are lazy.'' Sawako is suddenly behind Hikaru and she said,''Your the same, Kaname.'' Hibiki ran past Hikaru and he shout,''IF YOUR GONNA CHITTY CHAT WHILE RUNNING THEN WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO RUN WITHOUT TALKING!!!! WE HAVE LESS THAN 10 SECOND TO GET TO CLASS!!!!''

-The end. 

Author: Hope you like this chapter and 2nd season will come so don't worry, byebye

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