Chapter Two

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My head is throbbing. I open my eyes and look at my surroundings. I am lying on a comfortable queen-sized bed in a big white walled bedroom. There is a mirror to the left of me as well as a nightstand. To the right is a big walk-in closet. Where the fuck am I? Suddenly I gasped, remembering what happened. Grey eyes speeding towards me and then darkness. Now I'm in an unfamiliar room. Oh fuck, I've been kidnapped.

I leap out of bed disoriented from my throbbing head and race towards the door. I try the knob but it's locked. I run over to the window and notice bars on them. I look through the bars to see that I am a few hundred feet up, most likely in a penthouse of some sort. I see hundreds of people down below walking in the street lights and tons of traffic. I try to scream for help but can't find my voice.

I hear a knock on the door and put my back against the barred window. This is it, I'm going to die. I close my eyes, preparing for the end but it doesn't come. I open my eyes and Christian Grey is standing there holding a tray of food. He smirks at me and sets the tray down on the bed.

"I thought you might be hungry. I wasn't sure what you'd like so I opted for pizza and a can of pepsi. From what I hear, all Americans love pizza and soda." He shrugs at me. I manage to find my voice.

"Wha..what do you want from me?"

He stares down at his shoes.

"I haven't decided yet exactly. Eat your food before it gets cold. If you walk past the walk in closet you will find a tiny bathroom with a toilet and a tub. The closet also had several pieces of clothing as well as some reading material. If you need anything else- well you can shout. I'll hear you. But keep in mind, no one else will, so do try not to strain your voice." Christian still won't meet my eyes. Instead, he turns and walks out of the room before I can reply. I hear the door lock and I start to scream.

What feels like hours later I am curled in a ball on the floor by the bed all cried out. The fear of my soon demise will not leave however. What surprises me is after everything that has happened I realize that I'm starving. I sit up and look at the food on the tray. He probably drugged it. I have an unsettling feeling in my body but I am so hungry that I decide to risk it. I mean he's going to kill me most likely anyways. I eat the slice of pizza in a few bites and wash it down with the soda.

After digesting my food I take a deep breath and stand up to go look more at my surroundings. I walk into the closet and the first thing I notice is all the silk. Silk dresses, silk pajamas , silk robes. This guy really likes silk. It makes me nauseous. I notice one side of the closet is lined with books. Despite being captive I always get excited when I see a good book and my god was his taste impeccable. I notice the tiny bathroom past the closet. A white toilet, a sink, a jacuzzi tub and different shampoos and soaps.

I wonder how many girls he's kept here.

Contrary to what I thought, everything looks new. I wonder if I am the first he's imprisoned here. I doubt it. I turned around and go back to look at the books. I grab Wuthering Heights by Alice Bell and make my way over to the bed to read. Perhaps getting lost in the classics for a while will distract me from the inevitable.


What the fuck are you doing Grey?

I peer out at the Seattle skyline lost in thought. I can't believe I plucked the girl right from my office. By now her roommate will be looking for her, maybe even called the police. I am usually much more cautious in choosing victims. This girl though- I couldn't resist her. There was something about her I couldn't explain and I was helpless. I knew that I had to have her.

I pull out my phone and dial Welch.

"Welch, there's a black convertible outside my building. You need to dispose of it immediately. Brief my secretary as well. Anastasia Steele never made it to my office." I shut my phone and continue to stare out at the skyline. The sun will be up soon.

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