Chapter Ten

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Christian was sitting on the edge of the bed watching Ana sleep. She looked so peaceful. He sighed aloud.

How did the woman know I have Anastasia? Katherine Kavanaugh is going to be a problem.

He stroked Ana's cheek and she slowly opened her eyes.


Christian gazed down at her, lost in her beautiful eyes.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior this morning Anastasia. What you did caught me off guard- I wasn't prepared."

Ana rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"You are ..apologizing to me?"

Christian chuckled.

"Yes- I suppose I am. What are you doing to me Ana?"

Ana's eyes widened.

"You called me Ana."

Christian shrugged.

"Isn't that what you prefer to be called?"

Ana narrowed her eyes at him.

"How do you know that?"

Christian tapped his head and smirked.

"When I feed from someone I get ..flashbacks you could say from their memories. When I fed off of you I saw you as a little girl running in a park. There was a woman chasing after you saying "Ana get back here!"

Ana closed her eyes as if painted.

"That would be my mother. I wonder if she even knows I'm gone."

"Oh believe me, people know you're gone." Christian frowned at that piece of information he let slip.

Ana looked up at him quizzically.

"How do you know that?"

Christian frowned and pushed his bangs out of his face.

"Your friend, Katherine Kavanaugh came by my office this afternoon. She accused me of being involved in your disappearance."

Ana's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh my God, Kate! You..You didn't?"

Christian rolled his eyes.

"What? Kill her? Believe me I wish I had. There were too many witnesses who saw her enter my building. I couldn't risk it. For all I know she's formed a lynch mob dedicated to the cause of finding you. So no Ana, I did not kill her...yet."

Suddenly Ana grabbed Christian's arm.

"You can't kill her!" She screamed at him.

Christian looked down at Ana's hand on his arm.

"I don't want to kill her Ana. But if she keeps meddling into my business I may have to."

Ana shoved at Christian but he was as hard as a stone.

"You're a fucking monster." She spat at him.

He smirked at her.

"I never said I wasn't. I guess that kiss is long forgotten."

Ana continued to glare at Christian, saying nothing.

Christian took a deep breath sighed.

"I have a proposition for you Ana."

Ana furrowed her brow.

"What kind of proposition?"

Christian smiled a genuine smile at Ana and her breath hitched.

"If you agree to be mine completely. I will not kill Katherine Kavanaugh. If you stop trying to escape and follow my orders I will also leave this bedroom door unlocked and you will be free to roam the apartment from now on. However, should you disobey me or try to escape I will kill your friend without a second thought."

Ana glared at Christian intensely but she knew Kate had to survive. She was not going to let this monster kill her best friend.

"I accept your proposition. Where do I sign?"

Christian surprised the both of them and pulled Ana into an embrace.

"Thank you, Ana. In time you will see that life here isn't so bad. Come."

Christian picked up Ana out of bed and set her on her feet then he held out his hand to her.

"Where are we going?" She asked him.

Christian grinned at her.

"It's been several days since you've been outside. I figured you could use some fresh air."

Ana's eyes widened in shock but she said nothing.

Christian walked Ana to the walk-in closet. He looked through the clothing and pulled out a pair of jeans, a blue sweater and a pair of boots. He instructed Ana to get changed. Once Ana changed into the clothes he selected he grabbed her hand once more and led her down the hall to the door she tried to escape from before. It led to an elevator. She stepped inside the elevator with Christian. He hit the rooftop button.

The elevator doors opened and Christian led Ana onto the rooftopChapt. There was a helipad with a helicopter on it. Her eyes widened.

"Are we going for a ride in the helicopter?"

Christian chuckled and shook his head.

"Who needs a helicopter when you can fly without one?" He smiled a huge grin at Ana.

Ana looked at him, confused.


Suddenly Christian's arms were around Ana tightly and they shot up off the ground.

Ana's scream was trapped in her throat. Christian, her vampire captor, could fly.

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