Chapter Fourteen

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Ana looked at Christian as if he had grown two heads. Did he really just say he was going to let me go?

"Is this some kind of game?" Ana asked Christian incredulously.

Christian shook his head no.

"No games Ana. I want to keep you safe and the only way to do this is to make sure you are as far away from me as possible."

Ana couldn't erase the look of confusion from her face.

"What do I tell Kate, my family?"

Christian shrugged.

"I'm sure you can think of something. All I ask is you omit me from your story. Telling the world that vampires exist would most definitely result in your demise." Christian left Ana in his bed and walked out of the room. A few minutes later he returned with the plum dress and heels Ana was wearing the night he first took her. He handed her the clothes.

Ana stared down at the plum fabric and her eyes suddenly darted back to Christian's

"What are you going to do? You said that other vampires will be coming after you."

Christian shrugged.

"I'll disappear."

Ana's brow furrowed.

"But you have a billion dollar company. You would just walk away from it all?"

Christian gave her a small smile.

"If anything, my company was an enjoyable pastime. Besides- I couldn't exactly run it forever, could I? People would start to wonder why the CEO doesn't age. I'll just freeze my assets and maybe down the road "an heir" will return to take over."

Ana closed her eyes as if pained.

"Why.. give up your life.. Everything you have..for me?"

Christian gently stroked her cheek.

"My sweet Ana, this past week has been the best in my long life. You've truly awakened something in my black soul. I can never thank you enough for that. I will do whatever it takes to ensure your safety."

Ana clasped her hand around Christian's hand that was caressing her cheek.

"I never thought I would feel this way about someone who wanted to kill me. But this entire time, you've not hurt me once, you've taken me flying, you even killed your maker to protect me. Christian.. I .. I don't want you to go." Ana's voice was hoarse. She could feel tears pooling in her eyes.

Christian's smile was grim.

"I have to Ana. I will not cause your death. I'm going to return you to your home. You're going to grow older, marry, perhaps have some children and live the life you deserve. You will never see me again."


Kate heard a knock on the door. Is it the police again? Do they have any news?

Kate opened the door and screamed. Her best friend and roommate Anastasia Steele was on her doorstep. Her plum dress was torn and dirty. Ana looked as if she had been through hell and back.

"I'm home Kate." Ana managed a small smile.

Kate engulfed her in a hug.

"Ana, what the fuck happened? Where have you been?"

She led Ana into their house and Ana sat down on the couch.

"When I was on my way to do your interview I lost control of your car on the I-90 and flipped over the overpass and into the water. I don't remember much but a group of fisherman pulled me out of the water and nursed me to health. I had a concussion and was out for a few days. When I finally came to I remembered what happened and the fisherman drove me home, here."

Kate's eyes narrowed at her friend.

"Uh-huh. That sounds... crazy. But I'm glad you're okay. I gotta tell you- I have been looking for you 24 7. Hell I even went and threatened that CEO you were supposed to interview."

Ana forced a laugh.

"That's crazy Kate."

Kate joined in on her laugh.

"Yeah you're right. I'm just glad your home. Don't worry about my car either, the dealership is going to replace it."

Ana just gave Kate a small smile. She stood up slowly.

"Kate.. I'm very tired. I need to call my parents too. I'm going to head to bed."

Kate pulled her friend into a big bear hug.

"I'm just glad you're okay. I'll call the police and let them know you've been found."


Two Days Later....


Ana's heart stops when she sees the front page of the newspaper. Oh Christian. She picks up the newspaper and reads the article. It talks about how Christian Grey, CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings had sent out a memo to his employees letting everyone go, with severance. He then seized all his assets and vanished without a trace. Authorities have interviewed several of his employees but nobody is talking.

Ana feels tears pooling down her face. The man who kidnapped her, fed off her but ultimately sacrificed everything to save her life was gone. Suddenly she jogged over to her laptop and started searching. Her love wasn't gone. She was going to find him and she didn't care what danger may be waiting for her.


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