Chapter Four

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"Anastasia, are you alright?"

Christian Grey, kidnapper is sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing my shoulder. I look up at him with wide eyes. He must have carried me to the bed after I fainted from the awful news he gave me.

"Please, tell me what you want from me? You've faked my death. You've taken everything from me. Why do this? What did I do to deserve this?"

Christian puts his head in his hands and groans, sounding frustrated.

"You didn't do anything wrong. This is my fault. I couldn't help myself. I'm impulsive. I knew the minute the elevator doors opened what I would have to do. I truly am sorry."

I sat up in bed and looked at him, suddenly feeling brave.

"Then get it over with you coward, kill me. I'd rather be dead than be in your presence for one more fucking minute." I spat at him.

Suddenly he lunged at me and pinned my arms to the bed. He was on top of me. An alien feeling crept up my body and I suddenly felt guilt.

Ignore the bastards charms Anastasia. He wants you dead, and probably wants to screw you first or maybe afterwards.

"Get off me!" I scream at him.

He gently caresses my cheek and gazes into my eyes. My breathing has become heavy.

"Anastasia if you don't calm down I will have to do something to make you calm down and I really don't want to. I want you to submit to me willingly."

I laugh out loud.

"Submit to you? Submit to the man who kidnapped me and faked my death? You know you're sadistic. Playing house with me, dragging out the time before you make your move. Do you truly get pleasure from this?"

Christian glares at me and rolls off of me.

"No I don't get pleasure from this." He sneers. " You should count yourself lucky. By now I would have fed off of you."

My eyes widen in shock.

"What do you mean feed off me?"

He turns to meet my eyes.

"It's obvious isn't it? I'm a vampire."

I decide to play into his game if it means living a little while longer. In truth I am not ready to die.

"Oh really? How long have you been a vampire?"

Christian's eyes widen.

"You're ..not scared?"

I roll my eyes.

"I think I'm past being scared Christian. So, how long?"

Christian takes a breath and looks at me.

"For about two hundred years." His face is deadpan as he says this.

I don't know what comes over me but I start to laugh. I mean really laugh.

"Okay Dracula....let's see you turn into a bat."

Christian smirks at me.

"That's a myth and before you ask so is coffins and holy water. However, sunlight is truly a bitch. I can last maybe a minute in direct sunlight and then poof."

He snaps his fingers.

"Poof." I repeat.

"What? You don't believe me Anastasia?"

I smirk at him.

"Frankly, no- I think you're batshit crazy and there's a funny farm with your name on it."

Christian grins for some reason, as if accepting some sort of challenge. The next thing I know, he's standing by the door. When I blink he's by the window. Before I can scream he's back on the bed with a hand over my mouth.

What the fuck!

"Please- don't scream. I really hate screaming. If you promise not to scream I will remove my hand."

After a minute to calm myself down I slowly nod. Christian takes his hand off my mouth.

"So you're not just going to kill me, you're going to eat me?"

Christian smirks.

"I've thought about it. I still haven't made up my mind. If you play nice though you may still make it out of here."

Once he said this I knew that I would do whatever it took to get out of here.

Surprising myself I touch his hand and we both flinch. He looks up at me and raises an eyebrow.

He looks at the watch on his wrist and abruptly stands up.

"I have work to do. I'll be back later. If there is anything you need, please ring the bell. I'd really like for you to eat." Christian walked out the door and locked it behind him.

I stare up at the ceiling lost in thought.

Vampires are real. I've been kidnapped by a billionaire vampire who may or may not kill me. He also may or may not be fucking insane. Am I insane?

The lack of food and the stressful events of the day tire me out and I drift into a fitful sleep. I dream that I am hanging from a cross in a room that is blood red and grey eyes and fangs creep up to my face.

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