Chapter Thirteen

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Christian opened the door slowly. A blonde haired woman was grinning at him.

"Christian, darling. It's been too long." She kissed Christian on the cheek.

Christian looked at her wide eyed.

"Why have you come here Elena?"

Elena shrugged.

"I haven't seen you in so long. Is it such a bad thing that I have come to visit you?"

Elena tried to walk into the apartment but Christian blocked her path.

"Now's not the best time Elena. I'm busy."

Elena narrowed her eyes at Christian.

"Now is that anyway to treat your maker? Where's the hospitality?"

Christian sighed and gestured for Elena to come in.

She walked into his living room and whistled at her surroundings.

"The place looks great Christian. It's"

Christian shut the door and walked over to Elena who was standing in his foyer.

"Cut the shit Elena. Tell me why you have now decided to pay a visit after all these years. Unannounced might I add."

Elena gave Christian a disturbing grin.

"Well, after that email I received from you I became rather intrigued. Tell me, is your blood sack still around? I'd love to meet


"She's dead." Christian said dead faced.

Elena looked down at her nails.

"Pity." Was all she said.

"Pity?" Christian repeated.

"Yes pity, pity that you have the audacity to actually lie to me. There's a scent on you Christian and it's fresh. You've never

lied to me before yet you are now. I am very curious why. Bring the girl out to me."

Christian froze.


Elena glared at him.


Christian stepped closer to Elena radiating an anger she hadn't seen before.

"I'd like you to leave, now."

Elena threw her head back and laughed.

"My God, she's really gotten under your skin, hasn't she?"

Christian did something that surprised them both. He struck Elena across the face. She didn't move an inch.

In one swift movement she had Christian by the throat.

"I brought you into this life Christian. I made you immortal. I can take it away." Her hand tightened on Christian's throat.

"No!" Screamed a soft voice behind them.

Elena and Christian both looked over at Ana standing by the stairs in shock.

"Please.. let him go."

Elena let Christian go and turned her smile to Ana.

"Well well.. you must be the human that brainwashed my Christian."

Christian tried to step forward but Elena shoved him back. His eyes were filled with pain.

"Ana run!"

Ana didn't have to be told twice. She bolted up the stairs and headed towards her bedroom. Before she made it through the door Elena grabbed her by the neck and threw her across the room. Ana hit her head against the wall and became very disoriented. She was bleeding from a wound on her head.

Elena pointed her nose to the air and licked her lips.

"You smell amazing dear girl. It's a pity you have to die now." Elena lunged towards Ana but before she got to her the leg of a chair shot through her heart. Christian was behind Elena impaling her with the piece of wood.

Elena's eyes glossed over and she managed to crane her neck to look at Christian.


Christian's eyes were wide in shock at what he'd done.

"Anastasia is mine."

Elena burst into a pile of fire and ash. When the dust settle Christian let out a blood curdling groan. He sank to his knees and put his head in his hands.

Ana was regaining her vision but was still disoriented.

"Ch..christian." She mumbled.

Coming back to reality Christian's eyes shot up to look at Ana and he ran over to her. He bent down to eye level and checked her head.

"Are you alright?"

Ana blinked a couple times then her eyes widened in shock at the pile of ash on the floor.

"You.. you killed her! Who was she Christian?"

Christian closed his eyes as if severely pained.

"My Maker."

Ana gaped in shock.

"The woman from your story?"

Christian nodded.

"The very same."

Christian helped Ana stand and took her in his arms. He walked her out of the room and lead her down the hallway towards his own bedroom. He lay Ana down gently on the bed. She was in and out of consciousness. Her head injury was bad. Christian bit open his wrist and placed it on Ana's head wound. Once the blood dripped onto her wound it begun to heal it. A few seconds later Ana looked up at him in wonder.


Christian hushed her.

"Just another vampire power. I need you to listen to me very carefully Ana. What I did back there may have just signed both of our death warrants. To kill one's maker is considered the worst crime of my kind. Others will be looking for Elena and if they don't find her they will come after me, and kill you. I can't even dream about that happening. I'm going to do something for you Anastasia."

Ana looked up at Christian with her brows furrowed.


Christian stroked her cheek and managed a small smile.

"I'm going to let you go."

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