Chapter Nine

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Katherine Kavanaugh was sitting in Ana's beetle parked down the street from Grey House. She was slouched down in the driver's seat with binoculars, scoping out the building. It was two in the afternoon. She saw men and women in business suits walking up and down the busy streets in front of Grey House. Several men and woman were walking out of the building for lunch she presumed.

She pointed the binoculars up towards the top of the building. You couldn't see inside, the windows were too dimmed.

Where's Ana you fucker.

Kate set the binoculars down and looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a white and black pantsuit and her hair was pinned up to look business like. She opened the car door and climbed out.

She crossed the street and walked up the stairs towards Grey House. She opened the door and was met by a few people lounging about in the front office. She saw a blonde haired woman sitting behind a tiny desk. She walked over to the woman and gave her a forced smile. The woman smiled back kindly at her.

"Welcome to Grey Enterprises Holdings. How can I help you?"

Kate cleared her throat.

"I'm here to see Christian Grey."

The woman blinked a few times at Kate.

"Do you have an appointment with today Miss..."

"Kavanagh, Katherine Kavanagh- and no- I don't. I'm here to ask him a few questions about the disappearance of a woman who was here to interview him."

The woman gave Kate a sympathetic look.

"Oh right, the missing young woman. The police have already been here to take our statements. Miss.. Steele was it? She never arrived for the meeting. In fact- we were told it was you, Miss Kavanagh who was supposed to be here for the interview." The woman's tone was clipped.

Kate's narrowed her eyes at the woman.

"Well I would like to hear the account from Christian Grey. If he's busy perhaps I can schedule an appointment?"

Before the woman could reply her phone rang. She picked it up.

" ." She said while her eyes never left Kavanaugh.

"Alright- I can do that. No problem." The woman hung up the phone.

"Mr. Grey will see you now. Follow me please."

Kate wondered how he knew she was here until she looked up and noticed the camera. She glared at the camera as she followed the woman to an elevator.

"Hit fifteen on the elevator and it will take you up to 's office."

Kate thanked the woman and walked into the elevator. She hit number fifteen.

A few seconds later the elevator doors opened and she was met by another blonde secretary like woman.

"Follow me please, Miss Kavanaugh." Was all she said. Kate followed her down a hallway. The woman gestured for her to walk into the office at the end. She did not follow Kate into the office. Behind a desk in the office was Christian Grey. He smiled up at her kindly.

"Miss Kavanagh, it's nice to meet you. Christian Grey." Christian walked over to shake her hand. Kate shook it back. He gestured for her to take a seat across from him.

"Please take a seat."

Kate obliged and sat down. After a few seconds of just staring at eachother Christian raised an eyebrow.

"What can I do for you today, Miss Kavanaugh?"

Kate narrowed her eyes at Christian.

"I'm looking for my friend Anastasia Steele. She was supposed to interview you here nearly a week ago. She hasn't been seen since." She could feel the venom on her tongue. There was a lot she wanted to say to this man.

Christian had a confused look on his face.

"Oh yes, that missing woman. The police have been here to question my staff and I. But as I told them- we had no record of an Anastasia Steele scheduled to interview me. In fact, Miss Kavanagh, you were the one scheduled to interview me, but you never showed up. It's all jotted down in my schedule, as I have shown the police."

Kate leaned forward in her chair, her glare at Christian not wavering.

"Ana was going to take my place because I was sick. I leant her my car to come here. Then I am told they found my car in the ocean, yet no Ana. I've known Ana for four years she is the strongest person I know. I know she was here. So tell me this. What did you do to her?"

Christian blinked at her a few times.

"Are you insinuating that I had something to do with that woman's disappearance?"

Kate's eyes narrowed.

"That's exactly what I think."

Christian stood up and glared down at Kate.

"You are making some strong accusations here Miss Kavanaugh. My lawyer's could have a field day with this. But since I am a generous man by nature I'm going to give you the opportunity to walk out of my office now and never come back. Should you return I will call my lawyers - and the authorities."

Christian walked over to the door and gestured for Kate to leave.

Kate stood up and headed for the door. Before she walked out her eyes met his.

"I know you had something to do with her disappearance. I will figure it out and I will find Ana."

Christian just stared at her impassively as she walked down the hallway to the elevator.

Kate gave him a venomous look as the elevator doors closed.

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