Chapter Five

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Car Pulled Out Of Water, Body Missing

Anastasia was the front page of the news this morning. The article consisted of her friend Kate giving a detailed account of Anastasia driving to Seattle to do an interview for her. It also discusses how she never made it to my office, thanks to my publicist. The authorities are suspecting a car accident and not foul play.

I debate on whether or not to show Anastasia the article. I don't want to upset her. Grey- you don't have feelings. Who cares if it upsets her?

I shake my head and toss the paper into the trash. This girl is fucking with my head. I can't understand why I haven't fed off her yet and it's definitely taking its toll on my body. I know I will have to soon. I am running out of blood.

I head over to my fridge and grab the last bottle of blood. Leila's blood. Ah Leila, she was a firecracker. Her blood was definitely something.

I twist open the bottle of blood and chug it in one gulp. My thirst still isn't quenched. I know this is because of Anastasia. Her scent is of apples and orchid's and I know that her blood will taste like a vintage wine.

I can feel myself start to lose control.

Get ahold of yourself Grey.

Feeling the need for guidance I decide to email my maker, Elena.

From: Christian Grey

To:Elena Lincoln

Subject: Guidance


How have you been? It feels like it's been a decade since we last spoke. In fact- I think it has been. I currently have a new blood sack in my life. For some reason- I have yet to feed off of her. I have no idea how I have been able to control the blood lust but it is definitely concerning. Please get back to me when you can.

All the best,

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings

A few minutes later I receive a new email.

From: Elena Lincoln

To:Christian Grey

Subject: Guidance


Darling it's so lovely to hear from you. It does feel like it's been a decade since we last spoke. However, I think it's only been a year. Your concerns are nothing to be alarmed about. In fact- I didn't feed off my current blood sack, Isaac for a whole week when I captured him. Everyone is different and can affect you differently. Don't worry- soon you won't be able to hold out any longer and the feast will be plentiful. If not- email me back because I would love to taste her.

Elena Lincoln

I quickly delete Elena's email. I will most definitely not take her up on the offer because I know she will kill the poor girl. Elena is perhaps on a whole other level of sadistic compared to me. For some reason I feel a strange pull to Anastasia. If my heart beat it would beat for her. I've been listening in to her mind while she sleeps and her dreams are filled with sunshine and laughter. I don't want to admit it to myself but her dreams make me almost miss being human.

I shake the thought and head towards my door. I am still starving. If I don't have the will to taste her yet then I'm going out to eat.


"Yes mom, I'm just grabbing a few things from the store then I'll be home. Will you stop worrying." A teenage girl was walking down the street, not far from Grey House. Christian was watching her from a nearby rooftop. She was definitely his type. Brunette, short, pale skin. She looked like he imagined Anastasia would had she been a few years younger.

The girl turned a corner and headed down an empty alleyway, a short cut to a nearby store. Christian made his move. He jumped down from the rooftop as quiet as a mouse, directly behind the girl. She didn't hear him and kept walking.

"I love you too Mom. See you soon." The girl hung up her phone and put it in her purse. Finally sensing someone behind her she stilled and slowly turned around. When she saw that there was nobody there she sighed in relief and turned around to continue down the alley. A figure appeared out of nowhere in front of her and before she could scream she felt a piercing pain in her neck. Christian was not gentle. He was a monster, and he thrived in it. He shocked himself though when he abruptly released her after only draining a quarter of her blood. Usually he drank until there wasn't a drop left. He licked her wounds and they healed quickly. He grabbed her chin and looked into her drowsy eyes.

"You're going to forget this happened. You went to the store but it was closed. Go home."

The girl's eyes widened and she nodded. Christian watched her turn around and head home.


Christian was lying in bed, the sun had just come up so it was time for him to rest. But he couldn't sleep. He was lost in thought.

You pussy, you don't bite Anastasia and you didn't kill that girl. Instead you wiped her memory of you and sent her on her merry way. What the fuck is happening to you?

Christian closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep. That night he dreamt of big blue eyes looking into his soul, not full of fear, but full of love.

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