Chapter Twelve

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She was running through a field of sunflowers. The sun was glistening on her perfect pale skin. Her smile could light up the night sky. Her long, brown hair was swaying back and forth as she ran, laughing, through the flower patch. She kept looking behind as I chased her, giggling. She suddenly stopped running and froze in place. Her beautiful smile turned to a look of sheer horror. Elena appeared behind her and had her hand enclosed around her neck. Ana looked at me in shock.

"Help me Christian."

I tried to help her but couldn't move. I looked above and watched as the sunny day turned into a gloomy night. I glanced back at Ana and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Elena let out a wicked laugh and bit deep into Ana's neck.

All I could hear was her blood-curdling scream as the life left her body. Elena dropped Ana's lifeless body and grinned at me.

Christian shot out of bed. He stared wickedly around the room. He was alone.

Oh fuck, please tell me that was just a dream. Ana!

Christian raced to Ana's room at vampire speed and kicked her door in. There she was, lying peacefully on the bed enjoying a good book. She jumped back in shock when he kicked the door in. She looked at him, terrified.


Christian stopped and took a deep breath.

"It was just a dream."

Ana's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

Christian let out a forced chuckle.

"I had a bad dream. I wanted to make sure you were okay. My apologies- I'll let you get back to your book."

"Christian.. Wait." Ana called after him as he left the room.

He hesitantly turned around to meet Ana's sympathetic gaze.

"Are you okay?"

Christian stared at her incredulously.

"I've kidnapped you, ruined your life, and may still kill you and you're asking me if I'm okay?"

Ana gave him a perplexed look.

"Yeah..I guess I am." Her brow furrowed once more.

When she didn't say anything else Christian walked over to her bed and sat down beside her.

"I've given you free reign of my apartment yet you choose to remain in here. Why?"

Ana shrugs.

"I don't really know what to do. I wish I could let Kate and my family know that I am okay. But I know this isn't an option. I guess I am just running out of things to do to fill my days with."

Christian felt an unfamiliar stab of guilt.


Ana raises a hand and cuts him off.

"I am really tiring of this Christian. Can you please just kill me and get this over with. I don't want to live if this is what my life will be like."

Christian stands up and hovers over Ana in anger.

"Is my company really so horrible that you'd rather die? I wish you would see how different all of this is. I haven't killed you, I've given you access to my apartment and I took you flying for fuck sakes! I don't want to hurt you. I...feel something for you. An alien feeling that I can't really describe. I know you feel something for me to."

Ana looked as if she were about to cry.

"I am one fucked-up woman. I have feelings for a vampire slash kidnapper who reminds me that he will eventually kill me. There's a funny farm with my name on it."

Hearing Ana's confession awakens a light in Christian that hasn't been there since before he was turned. He knew in that moment he was never going to kill her. He wanted to protect her.

Christian reaches down and pulls Ana off the bed. He makes her face him and as gently as possible he touches his lips to hers.

Ana at first tries to break free but then submits to his gentle kill. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back.

Christian tightens his arms around Ana's waist and groans into her mouth. He gently pushes her down on the bed and lays on top of her. They break off their kiss and stare into eachothers eyes but neither of them talk. Christian swoops down and kisses her again. Ana squeezes Christian's shoulders and moans into his mouth. An alien feeling is taking over her. It feels like it did when he was biting her. Ana breaks off the kiss and mumbles "feed from me" into Christian's lips. Christian stills and looks into her eyes bemused.

"You..want me to feed from you?"

Ana nods her head and turns her exposed neck to Christian.

Christian can't resist. His fangs sprout out of his mouth and he plunges them hard into Ana's neck. Ana let's out a loud gasp as Christian drinks from her.

She basks in that euphoric feeling again. Too soon Christian stops and pulls away. Ana looks up at him and sees her blood dripping from his lip. Christian gives Ana a look but she can't decipher if it is love, compassion or quenched thirst. Christian swoops down and kisses her again. Ana deepens the kiss. While they kiss she reaches for his shirt and tries to pull it off of him. Christian grabs her hand to still there.

"Ana.." Christian's eyes are wide in shock.

Ana stares up at him and gives an embarrassed smile.


Christian closes his eyes and doesn't say anything.

Can you do this Grey? You haven't slept with anyone in a decade. Not since..Elena. The thought disturbs him momentarily but he pushes it away.

"Have you done this before?" Christian asks Ana.

She blushes at him and shakes her head no.

Christian smirks.

"I had a feeling you were pure. Are you sure you want a vampire to defile you?"

Ana's eyes widen for a fraction of a second.

"I just want you Christian."

That statement was Christian's undoing. He let's Ana take off his shirt and he swoops down to kiss her again. He unbuttons the silk blouse she's wearing while trailing kisses down her neck.

Suddenly Christian tenses and freezes. He looks behind him towards the door. He hears a small knock.

She's here.

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