Chapter Eleven

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The crisp Seattle air hit Ana in the face like a giant snowflake landing on the ground. She looked down in wonder at the city below. Christian's arms were secured tightly around her as they shot through the sky like a meteor. Ana glanced up at Christian to witness him grinning widely. He truly looked to be enjoying himself. Ana was reeling from the feeling of flying. It was astonishing. She felt powerful and free and surprisingly safe. Who would have thought that she could ever feel safe in the arms of her vampire captor. She tightened her grip on him and he peered down at her.

"Are you alright?" He shouted at her through the wind.

"This is insane!" She screamed and her and Christian both mirrored matching grins at each other.

They flew high above the crowds until Christian stopped abruptly.

"Do you trust me?" He breathed.

"In theory." Ana replied. Christian grinned and suddenly tipped them upside down, free falling towards the ground below. Ana started screaming and Christian was laughing a loud, boyish laugh. He suddenly turned them upright again and landed with ease on top of the space needle. They were on top of the tallest building in Seattle.

Christian sat down on the spheric rooftop and motioned for Ana to join him.

"So what do you think?"

Ana looked around at her surroundings in awe.

"I think that was the most incredible experience I have ever had Christian. I didn't know vampires could fly!"

Christian shook his head and smiled.

"Yes- we can. I told you I didn't turn into a bat but I never said I couldn't fly."

Ana smiled shyly at Christian.

"I bet you take all the girls up here."

Suddenly Christian's eyes went dark and his smile turned cold.

"You are the only human I have ever taken flying. As for the other "girls" you are referring to, they were nothing more than blood sacks."

Ana shifted uncomfortably at Christian's sudden change in mood.

Be careful Ana. He still wants to eat you for dinner.

After a few minutes of silence Ana peeked over at Christian who was laying down with his hands behind his head watching the stars.

"Christian..why me? Why did you decide that you would take me? There's nothing special about me."

Christian turned on his side and stared at Ana impassively.

"You're wrong Ana. You are anything but ordinary. When you walked into my building I caught your scent. It was so intoxicating that I knew in that moment you would be mine. A vampire is a very selfish being. We can't help ourselves. You do not realize how sorry I am for all of this. I would let you go if I could- but I can't."

Ana sat very still processing this information.

"How did you become a vampire Christian?"

Christian's eyes turned very hooded and he didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"In 1802 I was working as a stagehand in a local theatre company in New York City. Back then my life was all about the theatre. I had high dreams of acting on stage in front of large audiences. The man who ran the theatre company said if I paid my dues as a stage hand I could eventually find myself on stage. However, I never got that chance. One night, the theatre was hosting a shakespearean play. I was to be an usher for all intents and purposes that night. I was tasked with escorting the wealthy to their boxed seats high above the stage. I met a woman in line and she was perhaps one of the most breath taking woman I have ever met. She had golden blonde hair pinned up with a flower in the side and she had a beautiful dress. You're a fan of literature so you can imagine how the women looked back then. Anyways this woman looked at me funny. She looked at me as if I was something to eat. It turns out I wasn't wrong. I'll spare you the gory details but she invited me to sit with her in her private box and return home with her later. That night she made me a vampire."

Ana stared at Christian wide-eyed.

"Did you want to be a vampire?"

Christian's face turned grim.

"At the time- no I didn't. But after two hundred and some years it grows on you. I have made peace with what I am a long time ago."

Ana gulped.

"Are....are you going to make me a vampire."

Christian let out a low growl and Ana flinched.

"No. I may be a monster but I'm not that evil. I would never curse someone as innocent as you. Trust me, killing you will be much kinder."

Ana figured if she kept him talking he would drop the killing talk.

"Have you ever made anyone vampire?"

Christian shook his head no. Suddenly he stood up and took Ana's hand.

"Come - let's get back. The sun will be up soon and if we're out here when it does well... good luck getting off this building."

Christian chuckled.

Ana closed her eyes tightly as Christian, once again, wrapped his arms around her. For the second time that night they shot up into the night sky.

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