Chapter 4 Natsu "Help's"

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Lucy P.O.V

So it's almost the end of my first term. I'll be four months very soon. It's gone by very quickly. But things have started to change. I have started to hurt and ache everywhere. I hardly get any sleep because of it, which makes me very cranky. And once again Natsu is ZERO HELP!!!! He's always next to me trying to make me comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I love him to bits, and I think it's sweet and all. But we need money. If you haven't noticed, we are practically broke!! This was literally my morning.


"Natsu! Breakfast!" I called up the stairs. "Okay!" He ran down to the kitchen. "Mornin' Luce." He kissed me on the cheek. "Morning." I set the breakfast on the table. We ate pretty much in total silence. Which I am completely fine with. I was about to pass out anyway. When I finished I got up to do the dishes and clean up. "Don't worry Luce! I'll do it." Natsu took my plate from me. I smiled sweetly. "Thank you!"

At the time I thought it was really sweet. "You just go lie down." I smiled gratefully. "Thank you." I headed back to the room then laid down. I didn't even get a chance to close my eyes until I heard. BANG! CRASH! CLANG! And a lot. I mean a LOT of cursing. I felt the anger boil up inside of me. My face was bright red. I stormed into the kitchen. "NATSU!! WHAT THE H***!!" Natsu sunk back in a corner trying to hide. "Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry!!" I kept yelling at him I couldn't help it.

I was so mad at him. I couldn't help but explode. The entire kitchen looked like it had been trampled by a herd of elephants. In fact, at times like this, it's normally Happy who calms me down. Now was no different. "Lucy! Why don't we go in the back and take a few deep breathes. Okay??" He began to push me to the other room. I followed. Seeing that yelling wasn't going to help at all.

"Natsu! Don't touch anything!" I called over my shoulder. He nodded obviously scared. "YES MA'AM." I stormed into the room. I could literally feel steam come out my ears, and my nose. I turned on the communication lacrima, and called Mira. I saw her face pop up. "Oh! Lucy! What's wrong you look so mad." I could feel the anger slowly die down.

Mira helps me alot. I rubbed my temples. "Can you send someone to come get Natsu to go take him on a job or something? Please... Before I kill him." Mira breathed through her teeth. "What did he do this time??" I glared. "Our kitchen looks like a bunch of elephants trampled through it." I huffed.

She smiled sympathetically. "Okay, I'll send someone, you just relax and take some deep breaths. Alright?" I closed my eyes and nodded. "Thank you." She turned off the communication lacrima. I did as she told me too, breathing in through my nose and through my mouth. I felt the anger slowly go down. I walked back into the kitchen. "Luce, I'm-" I cut Natsu off. "Don't talk to me right now." I glanced around the room. "Really, how did you manage all this."

It food stained the walls, floor, and roof. I shook my head in disbelief. Not only that but, the table was turned over, and the chairs were scattered around the room. I crouched down to pick up one of the chairs. "Luce, let me hel-" I glared at him. "You've done enough." If he wasn't already, he was surely guilty now. By the time I had all the chairs up, the door creaked open. "Hello? I'm supposed to pick up the idiot Flame-brain." Boy was I glad to hear that voice.

"What's the Ice Princess doing here!?" Natsu got up and tried to start an argument, and completely forgetting about what he did. "He's here to take you out on a job or something." I answered. As soon as Gray entered the kitchen, his eyes widened. "What the h*** happened in here?" (still trying to stay clean, not sure how long that will last...) Happy and I both frowned. "Natsu." We said in unison. Gray seemed to understand. "I'll have someone come and help you clean." With that Gray dragged Natsu out of the house. I sighed. "Happy, I honestly can't wait for this baby to come out."


AND IT'S DONE!!! Yippie!! I'm so happy it's done. Sorry for the wait, I've been a bit busy. I also tried to make this chapter good, but it ended up being a little sort. Sorry about that. The next chapter will be good, I promise. Anyway I apologize for any errors. And for now, this is Jade Lock sighing out! Love ya! Bye!~  

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