Chapter 8 A Day Out

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I am officially 5 months pregnant! I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm so very excited to have a baby, and I honestly can't wait. But I'm also very nervous. What if I don't know how to raise a kid. What if we can't afford to have a baby? I mean, money has always been a bit tight. But I guess we've always managed to squeeze by. I don't know... maybe I just have pre-parent jidders or something. Not only that, but I miss my celestial spirits so much!

I can't wait until I'm able to go on a mission again... after seeing Virgo last week . . . I can't help but miss them even more. My celestial spirits are like family. But my guildmates are also my family, not seeing them has been hard. Or more so boring. Though they do come visit and see how I'm doing while Natsus gone, which is often. But while Happy is here to keep me company. There's only so much a flying cat and a crazy pregnant lady can do.

Not to mention Natsu doesn't want me to "Strain myself" and keeps telling me to "Lay down and rest." I know he has good intentions but, good god, he literally can't get anymore annoying. . . "Luuuuucyyyy I'm bored." Happy complained, I was trying to read a book. "Ya, me too . . ." I said looking up from my book. "Let's do something." I sighed. "Like what?" Happy let out a very dramatic and heavy sigh. "Anything!" I contemplated.

What can we do . . . aha! Let's do that! I smiled at Happy, I have an idea. Happy perked up at the thought of having something to do. I walked to the Communication Lacrima and turned it on. "Who are you calling?" I smiled. "Hopefully someone fun." I waited patently as it rang, finally someone answered. "Hello? Lucy-San? Can I help you?" I smiled at the little bluenette on the screen. "Hey Wendy, yes you can help me, you see . . . WE'RE GOING TO DIE OF BOREDOM!"

~~~~(In case you're wondering, she called Wendy because Erza was already at the guild)~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Thanks for taking us out, it's nice to get out of the house." I smile as I walk through town, along with Erza, Wendy, and Carla and Happy, flying over head. "Sure, to be honest I really didn't want to go out on that job today." Erza says frankly. This took me by surprise. "Wow, the mighty Erza doesn't want to go on a job? What has the world come to?" I joke, Erza laughs. "So Lucy, what are you going to do for the next few months, before the baby comes?" Erza asks. I shrug. I have been thinking about it. I'm literally going to be bored out of my mind.

"Once I know the gender of the baby, I'll start decorating the baby room. But until then, I'm not exactly sure." We turn a corner and walk through the markets. "Wow, there's a lot of stuff here." Wendy comments, I nod. It's been awhile since I've been to the market. "So what have you two been up to?" I ask, striking up a conversation. Erza shrugs, "I haven't been up to much," Then she smirks and looks at Wendy. "But she has." The glint in her eye is the same glint she had when Natsu and I first started to date.

Instantly I know what she's taking about. I smile. "oh, do tell." Wendy blushes, her face turning scarlet. "I-I don't know what you're talking about..." I smirk but before I can say anymore, Carla flies down looking mad. "Oh, I'll tell you. That boy, Romeo, asked that girl on a date! Can you believe it?!" Wendy's face turns even more red, if possible. "Carla!" I laugh. "Oh my gosh! please, tell me the details!" 

Wendy doesn't say anything, just turns bright, hot, red. So Erza takes over. "I wish you were there to see it, Romeo was so embarrassed and scared to ask. We all had to talk him into it. But, we all wanted to know what was going to happen on their date. So we followed them." Wendy whips around, her face a little less red, but still red. "You did what?!" Erza looks dumbfounded, "Oh ya... I wasn't supposed to say that..." I laugh. 

"Wow, I actually didn't think Romeo had it in him to ask." I put my hand on Wendy's shoulder. "No need to be so embarrassed." She smiles shyly. Then it's my turn to smirk and I elbow Erza, "So Erza, anything going on with... 'you know who'" She falters. "What? I-I have know idea who you're talking about. Hey, what about going to get some Celebratory ice cream for Wendy's first date?" She changes the subject. But I don't object. Would you object to free ice cream? No, no you wouldn't.


I'm so sorry it's short!! My dad took me on a surprise road trip over spring break. Which is great and all, don't get me wrong! But it meant that I had no internet for a while. So I wasn't able to write, because, I do type all my stories. I also added some Romeo x Wendy in their for you all. 'Cause let's be honest, THEY'RE THE FRICKIN' CUTEST SHIP IN THE WORLD!! Well, that I've discovered so far anyway. Also, tell me if I have any errors, feel free to comment and make any suggestions, because I'm running low on creativity juice right now. But until I have more creativity juice, this is Jade Lock, signing out!! Love ya!! Bye~~~

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