Chapter 13: To Close For Comfort!

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~~~Lucy POV~~~

We stepped out at the same time, Wendy doing as she was told almost immediately. Erza turned into her Heavens Wheel armor and made a... Heaven's Wheel made out of swords, sending it at the foul beast. I pulled out one of my trusty keys, "Open! Gate of The Golden Bull! Taurus!" Taurus erupted from the ground, "Let's hit him hard Taurus!" I ordered. "Seeing Lucy's body again mooooves me!" I was dumbfounded. "Can you just fight the damn monster without making weird comments?" I asked quietly, so I don't think he heard me. I watched the battle from below, Happy was flying high with Natsu and dropping him on top of the monster so he could do some damage. Carla was holding Wendy up, so she could blast some wind.

Erza was hitting it with her swords and Gray looked plan annoyed as he came and stood next to me. "The damn thing keeps breaking my ice before it can hit him." I nodded and said, "Erza's swords and Taurus's axe just keep bouncing of his skin." Gray huffed. "Maybe element magic is the way to go..." I nodded. "In that case..." I pulled out two keys. "Return, Taurus. Open Gate of The Scorpion! Scorpio!" Taurus disappeared and was replaced with Scorpio. "Hit him in the eyes Scorpio!" He held up his thumbs, pointer fingers and pinke's. "We are on it! Lets go our sand!" I will never understand his way of speech, but, whatever. With the sand in the monster's eyes, he screeched and threw his arms around. I turned to Gray. "Now he can't see your ice. So let's try this again."

Gray smiled. "Alright!" He yelled and jumped back into the fray. I smiled, ignoring the slight tired feeling I got from opening two gates after not going on missions for awhile. At this point, everyone was doing attacks and/or pushing the monster on the ice. They resorted in doing so from the back, pushing him on the ice, he seemed to be weakening. My magic started getting really drained at this point so I was forced to raise Scorpio's key and yell, "Return! Scorpio!"

He disappeared but, the monsters eyes looked as if he wouldn't be able to see for awhile. He was pushed near the edge of the ice. "Gray, more ice please." Erza commanded. "Coming right up." Gray proceeded to freeze the entire clearing floor. I stumbled a bit before catching my balance. The monster thrashed around, skidding frighteningly closer to me. I tried to move back but I too, slid on the ground. I heard Natsu scream my name. I saw the giant monster hand swing toward me. I couldn't even scream all I had time for was close my eyes. But... when I expected a blow, all I felt, were big protective arms around me, and the wind rushing around my face as however carried me, raced on the ice.

I dared opened my eyes to see a face I missed more than I'd like to admit. "Getting a little rusty are we?" The familiar glasses face smirked. "Loke! Perfect timing, as always!" Loke smiled and placed me down a safe distance away. "Mind helping us out a bit?" I asked. He pushed up his glasses and said, "I don't mind at all. It was getting boring in the spirit world without you." He started to walk towards the beast, then he ran, yelling, "Regulus Impact!" When the lion face made of light hit the beast, it screamed. At this moment, everyone hit it with all their might. I used my whip to pull the arm away from Wendy while she did a Sky Drill.

Though, I did this after Loke had used another attack, I say that because he had to help my pull the monster's arm with the whip. Even then, it was incredibly hard to fight back with the creatures intense strength. I heard Natsu yell, "Fire Dragon's Roar!" And then an intense scream as the monster came crashing down onto the ice. "Is it dead?" I asked, Erza approached it carefully. After a moment of silence, she looked up, seemingly proud. "Looks like we've won." There was a round of cheers and then I turned to Loke. "Thanks for that Loke. I've missed you all." He smiled and bowed. "My pleasure, See you again, Lucy." And, just like that, Loke disappeared.

In that moment I was tackled by my very own husband and blue, flying cat. "That was way too close..." Natsu murmured and hugged me tighter. I hugged them both back. "It's okay... I'm not going anywhere..." There was another moment and then Natsu pulled away. I could finally breath, but it was short lived. As the rest of the team hugged me. "We should of been more careful..." Erza sighed. I smiled, "It's alright, I should have been paying more attention." I was released, (Thankfully) and we all stared at the monster, wondering what to do next. "Maybe we should go back and see if we can find our client, maybe they want to eat it??" I offered.

We all shivered at the thought of eating it... well all but Natsu. "Awesome!" He pumped his fists in the air, "think they'll let me have some?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Even I think that's gross Natsu..." Happy deadpanned. "Well... guess we better go..." I turned and started walking, the others close beside me. The walk to the village was father then I remembered... and it started to get dark rather quickly... "Have we been gone that long?" Gray asked no one in particular. When we did get to the village... my breath was caught in my throat. "I-It's..." I couldn't even finish. The entire village... the one that was reduced to rubble... to fire and ash... was standing there... looking good as new. But, it was silent, eerily silent. There was no one there. "How could they rebuild so quickly..." Was the only thing I heard. The words Natsu said echoed through the village and forest. "Natsu..." I whispered, still staring at the buildings in both terror and wonder. "They couldn't have built it, if no one is here..."  


Sorry this one is a tad bit short, but I totally forgot it was Saturday... I don't even know how I manage to do that... Anyway, I don't have much to say about this chapter, except I'm excited for the next one! Until next time, this is Jade Lock, signing out! Love ya!! Bye~~~

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