Chapter 14: H-haunted?!

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~~~Lucy POV~~~

No one could believe it, the night sky was pitch dark, and there was no one in the village. "What do you mean no one's here? Of course there has gotta be somebody! Who would have sent out the job request?" Natsu argued with me and started to walk down the street. "Natsu! Where are you going?!" I called out to him. He turned his head to look back at us. "Erza said the client was at the entrance right? So to the entrance we go!" He turned back and kept going. The rest of us stopped to look at one another. "We'll never know until we go..." Erza coaxed us into going forward. We all walked nervously.

"I really don't like the looks of this place..." I shuddered as a chill ran down my spine. There was a brief moment of silence, before Gray spoke up, "Ya... it almost looks like it's haunted or something..." Wendy and I both jumped and shivered. "H-haunted?" I asked. "You mean like ghosts who eat your soul and stuff..." Wendy sounded braver than me, somehow... Gray smirked and stepped closer to us. "No... I'm talking about ghosts that haunt you for the rest of your life... cursing you with bad luck for all of eternity...!" He said in a scary voice and waving his fingers in a ghostly manner. Wendy and I shrieked and Erza knocked Gray on the head. "Oww... What the heck was that for!" Erza grumbled her response. "Stop scaring them and get to work. We need to figure out what's going on here. And it's not the work of some evil ghosts."

Happy turned to us with a serious face, "Who said it's not the work of some evil spirit?" This time it was Carla's turn to look disapprovingly, "Honestly, you lot are so gullible! There is no such thing as ghosts! I'm sure there is a logical explanation for all of this!" At that very moment there was a scream I will never forgot. "WHAT THE HELL!!!" It made us all jump. "Who-" I caught Erza off, "Natsu!" I turned and ran down the street, hoping that my husband was okay. The others followed close behind. I swear I could feel my heart stop and then start again as I looked onto the scene before me. My hands on my knees and my breath coming in pants, I managed to say, "Natsu... what's wrong?!"

My husband stood there, eyes wide, in his hands was an open envelope. "L-Lucy... we're rich!" I gazed at him in question, "Natsu, what are you talking about?" He held the envelope to me. As I took the small manilla envelope from him, the rest of the team arrived. I read the words written in beautiful handwriting on the front. "To Those Who Vanquished The Demon..." I peered inside and gasped. "Oh my god..." I reached in and pulled out half of its contents. The others gasped. "Is that...?" I nodded. "It's Jewel...(For those of you who don't know, Jewel is the money used in Fairy Tail, if I'm correct...) and a lot of it too..." I marveled. Erza came and took the Jewel from me and inspected it.

"It's real... But this is a lot more than the had put in the add..." She looked around the town, as if trying to find someone. "Maybe the changed the reward?" I asked, it had happened before. There was a silence as we looked around the town, and at each other, all asking the same question. How? During that silence, I heard something that made me sweat. Small voices, like two people were arguing... Suddenly there was a bang from across the street, as a trash can had been pushed down. "What the-" Natsu couldn't finish, because a booming voice interrupted. "GO AWAY! YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY! NOW BEGONE!"

While I stood there trembling, the ever so fearless Erza yelled "Who goes there!? Are you our client? Come, show yourself!" It was a command in a fearsome voice, that one would be insane to refuse. So from the shadows, stepped out something I thought I would never see... A white, almost see through figure of a man in a suit and bowler hat. "You should all leave... the longer you spend here, the more dead you become. Now that this guy mentions it... I was feeling pretty sick... But that's not the point! "A-are you... a-a ghost?!" I asked, hiding behind Natsu. The man, was a good three inches floating of the ground, he then chuckled and said, in a sinister voice... "You could call me that..." The... 'ghost'... looked at us, with piercing red eyes...  "But since you won't leave... well just have to take care of you ourselves, now won't we?" He snapped his fingers, and the gate to the entrance swung closed. This caused everyone to jump and get scared.

 Out from the shadows, from the corner of my eyes, I watched as more ghostly figures rolled out behind houses and Merchant stalls. "N-Natsu! Do something!" I yelled. He looked more weirded out then scared, but either way Natsu yelled, "Fire Dragon Roar!" Aiming it at a patch of red eyed creatures. The ghosts dispersed into the air like smoke, only to rise out from the ground. "Eeek! What do we do!" Wendy hid behind me as I hid behind Natsu. Each one of us looked either freaked out or scared to death, as the ghosts creeped closer and closer. Erza and Gray stumbled back to where we were, Happy and Carla hung next to us, completely at a loss as to what to do.   I felt a chill down my spine, I saw my life flash before my eyes, then, heard a sinister and crazy laugh echo from the heart of the town. The laugh came closer and closer, until it turned into a quiet regular laugh, along with a slow clap. The ghosts stopped coming closer and instead just hung in front of us. I looked through a see through ghost to see who was laughing, only to find the man form before. He was laughing so hard he was wiping tears from his eyes. 

"oh, man... That was great... whoo... you should see your faces!" He took a breath and then snapped his fingers. The ghosts disappeared, as if they where never there in the first place. I looked around at my friends and husband, utterly confused. "What...?" Was all I managed to say. The man smiled and said, "Sorry, that was an illusion I created to scare the crap out of you. It worked, didn't it?" I deadpanned. Why you little b!t#$...! I thought. "My names Mr. Lewis, I'm this towns mayor. Sorry, I created the illusion that the town was destroyed. So that monster wouldn't want to come over here on a rampage. So I decided to have a bit of fun while I was at it!" We all got real mad and literally looked like we might shoot steam from out from our ears. The mayor backed away and put his arms up innocently, while sweat dropping. "Now now... We've prepared a bit of a feast for you all! And some rooms to stay the night... s-so lets just calm down and..." Natsu had flames coming out of his fists, Erza gave him her evil eye, Gray looked like he might freeze the entire town, I was cracking my whip, and Wendy did her best to act scary. But it ended up just being super adorable...


I was in the room that Natsu and I were sharing for the night. I had just put down my whip, belt, and keys onto the dresser and looked in the mirror. I sighed, remembering what a close call we had today. I could have been seriously hurt, or worse... I don't want Nashi to grow up motherless like I did... As if he could read my mind, and maybe he could, Natsu wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He kissed me on the cheek and rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't ever scare me like that again. Okay?" I nodded and turned to face him. "Natsu... I was so scared..." I whispered. He pulled me close and murmured "I know... I was too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in. Our lips touched, and I felt a warm comforting feeling creep up through me. The thing about Natsu is, the thing I taste when I kiss him. Its as if the smell, feel and taste of spring are rolled into one. That's the only way I can describe it... and yet, it's a feeling that I never want to lose or forget.


I apologize for being late. Also, I'm going to be out of town all weekend, so there won't be a ost until the 24, which is the Saturday after. I'm sorry! But on another note, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR OVER 1.K READS!!!! I still can't believe it... I love you all so so much! Thanks for reading and sticking around, it really means a lot to me! That's all I can think to say, so until next time, this is Jade Lock, signing out! Love ya! Bye~~~

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