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He's gone! He actually gone!

That's not good!

Where would he go? He knows he can't be seen!

Besides, I had his car. How could he have gone anywhere?

Wait, Matthew, you moron! There's a thing called walking!

Pulling out my cell, I dial his number.

I waited silently for a moment, before fearfully lowering my phone. His phone is here. I can hear it in the other room.

Slowly walking to the room, I flick the light on, to see his phone ringing on the table.

There's something unsettling about this room. His things are still here, though there are certain things missing.

Upon a closer examination, I notice that he took everything he deemed worthy. His money, some of the little things he took from his house, and a case of Mountain Dew. Even when he's going insane, he takes the Dew.

Something suddenly came over me. I brought Kitchen utensil from Nate's house for this certain place, and I bought some from Wal-Mart. If he took them, I'm screwed.

Going to the kitchen, I search the bags I had on the counter.

.. He took them.. Great.

Okay, think Matthew. If I were Nate, where would I go? Where?

... To find Morgan.

But Nate's not actually Nate at the moment. Something is wrong with him and I have no idea what it is.

He seemed off the last time I saw him.

Nate's insane. He's psycho.. He could really hurt someone.

I got to call the Police.. There's a mentally insane person on the streets.

I was about to call the police, but I set my phone down, as I realize something.

Nate's been announced dead! People think he's dead.

If I call the police, claiming that Nate's missing, and insane, they'll call me crazy.

Looking over, I then see what I have to do. Taking a deep breath, I look to the window, before going to get Nate's phone.

I have to find him myself.

But first, I will finish the job he originally planned on finishing.

Finding Morgan Want.


The next morning, I set out to find the two missing people.

The streets terrified me.

I feared someone might jump out and stab me.

I feared it would be Nate.

Before I left, I printed off a picture I took from Morgan's Twitter.

I need to find Morgan. If I can find Morgan, I'll be able to find Nate.

"Excuse me?" I stop a young women on the street. "Have you seen this person? Goes by the name Morgan Want."

The lady examined the picture for a moment. "No, son. I haven't sorry." She answered me, then left me.

Finding Morgan is hopeless!

She's probably not even in Santa Clarita .

If she is, I will find her. Then I will find Nate.

I need to find Morgan soon though. She's been missing for three months. If she dies, it won't be just her dying. It'll be the child too.

Walking down the street, I look all over the place.

She's got to be here somewhere. For some reason, Nate led us here. Out of everywhere we went. Burbank, Lancaster, Glendale. He lead us to Santa Clarita.

He knows someone is here.

Something made me stop.

A person.. Someone is walking down the street. Walking towards me.

I just remained still as the person walked to me.

They look familiar.

Is it Nate?


The walk is to quick.

I feel as if I should run, but by the time I thought that, the person stopped in front of me, taking their hood off.



It can't be..


Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now