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I couldn't sleep that night. I camped out with Brett in the living room. Stephanie wanted to sleep on the couch, and so did Phoebe.

Morgan wanted to just sleep on the floor, but both Stephanie and Phoebe wouldn't let her. Phoebe made a big deal about her sleeping on the floor.

She lectured her, telling her that she was carrying a child, and shouldn't settle for the floor.

After Morgan finally agreed, I gave her the bed, though she still didn't want to sleep in there. Thankfully, she reluctantly gave in.

I'm terrified to find out what comes up next. What if we find Nate? Will he even recognize us?

What if he's dead?

What are we going to do, if he's dead?


"I don't really like this." Morgan started as we walked down the street.

"No, neither do I." I say to her as she stopped looking around.

"Is Burbank really this deserted?" She asked looking around.

"Burbank started to crumble after Nate ran away." Brett said. "After Nate ran, the kidnapper thought he was still here, and went on a rampage trying to find him."

"In the end of it, he took Brett and I." Phoebe added.

"What about Morgan and Stephanie?" I ask.

"He came after me, when you were in the closet." Stephanie. "He waited for the chance, when you weren't around."

"He did the same with me. He waited for Nate to go downstairs to check the mail then came after me. The only difference is, Nate came back upstairs shortly after he left, and came to see if I was okay. I managed to get away, but he attacked Nate instead." Morgan explained.

"Then when Phoebe and I came home, we found Nate, but he panicked and ran." Brett continued.

"And three days after that, he showed up at my house." I conclude.

"How does this help us?" I then ask.

"What did he do in those three days?" Morgan asked.

"Not sure." I answer.

"Well. We need to figure it out, but first. Can we please get lunch?" Morgan asked her voice pitching adorably.

I saw Brett narrow his eyes then opened them again. Clearly, he remembered we have a Emotional Pregnant Women with us.


"Yeah." Steph answered.

"Three Guys is just down the street." I say.

We fell silent as we got to Three Guys. Something came to mind but I wasn't sure if it would help.

After 10 minutes, we got our food and sat down in a corner booth.

"So, does anyone know where he went in the week he was gone?" Brett asked us.

"No." Morgan answered looking at me.

"All I know is he came to my house and we went to that building you two were in." I explain.

"He brought you to that building to kill you!" Morgan explained.

"Though, he never did." I say silently.

"Wait!" I suddenly say. "While we were in the building, Nate pulled a chip out of the back of his neck, could that be any possible lead?"

"A chip?" Morgan asked. "Like a Microchip?"


"So, could he be controlled?" Phoebe started.

"Nate's smarter than that!" Morgan snapped defending her boyfriend. "He wouldn't let anyone control him!"

"He had no idea it was there though." I explain. "He asked me about it after he pulled it out."

"So maybe he wasn't conscious when it happened." Brett suggested it.

I fell silent for a moment thinking.

"So where do we start looking then?" Stephanie asked calmly.

"Well, if I know Nate, he'd be in at home." Morgan started her Theory. "He's playing with his own Demon right now, so Maybe he be located in an old building, like the one in Lancaster."

"Is there any old abandoned buildings in Burbank?" I ask.

"Well theres tons of them!" Brett answered before glancing to Phoebe and Morgan.

"But theres only one building that truly caught Nate's eye when we moved here." Morgan added.

"So we start there." Steph nodded.

Morgan closed her eyes for a second then nodded. "We start at that building and we hope that we find something." She said.

"Yeah." I agree. "Or someone."

Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now