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Welp... Here.


This young man is a persistant one.

Won't speak, and accepts the blows thrown at him. Blow after blow.

He's much younger than any usual suspect I recruit, but he's vulnerable and will believe anything said to him.

He's blinded by the death of someone he loves.

This young man in front of me kept his head low as he sat in the chair in front of me. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

He's been bound to this chair.

If this young lad had any chance of escaping, he shouldn't have disobeyed me.

Now he will regret it.

I examined the young man carefully. The sleeves in his black shirt only went up to his elbows and I was very clearly able to see the the giant gash gushing with blood running down his right arm.

He was right to keep his head down. He's smarter then he clearly looks. He disobeyed all orders despite being under a complusion.

Cautiously, I stepped away from the young man, allowing the light that I had shining on him to cover him. He barely flinched but kept his head down.

This young moron doesn't know when to quit.

"You could save yourself so much pain, boy!" I sneer at him tugging the crown of the young mans black hair forcing him to look up at me.

"You invasive little twit. You know what you've done!" I say to him. "Isn't that right, Nathan?"

The young musician was a wreak thanks to my handy work. His face was beaten, battered and bloody. He couldn't hold himself even if he tried. There's no strength left to him. He's a true puppet now.

He only looked at me remaining silent. His left eye narrowed as if he were plotting something but refused to speak.

He WILL speak. Whether he likes it or not.

"Perhaps, we can make up for the three months you failed to do your job right!" I raise my voice at him, landing a blow right in his stomach.

The young Man is being strong, I can see it in his eyes. He knows the Camera is here. He will not allow his pain to please the sick audience that will view this.

The only thing I got from him was a quiet groan of agony. I'll break him down soon.

I reluctantly back up letting his body fall limp. He remained like that for a moment before he chuckled quietly. "What..." The young man looked up, his bloody, beaten face barely viewable in the light. "Out of ideas already?" He asked me before quietly breathing out.

"No. Not at all." I sneer at him. "Would you rather me end you now?" I ask. "Or would you rather obey me, and save all the pain?"

The young man seemed to fight himself as he looked at me. "I'd rather be dead, than your slave!" He coughed.

"Really? That can be arranged Nathan.. That can be arranged." I lower my gaze on him.

"You murdered my girlfriend and my child, anything you do to me will be ten times better than what you previously did." He added his voice fading weakly.

He won't last long. He was strong at the start then was distracted.

"So all the torture I've put you through. All the pain I've caused you. All that, is ten times better than losing your love."

The young man looked up spitting up blood. His black, blood stained hair fell in front of his eyes. "If you desire to Torture me to Death, then do it already. I have no reason to live now. So hurry up and kill me you sick bastard." He hissed at me choking as he did so.

"You're so quick to assume, young Nathan, assuming that precious Morgan and your unborn child is dead!" I tell him.

He looked up at me. "Huh?"

"If I told you that your beloved girlfriend was still alive, would you so kindly tell me where Matthew Patrick is?"

"You're lying through your bloody teeth!" He hissed fully alert now. "You put the thought of Morgan being dead in my head in the first place. If it weren't true, why would you do it?" He hissed madly glaring at me.

At this point, I see he's challanging my authority. With quick reflexes, I grab a knife, yanking the young mans head up by the messy fluff in his hair, carefully pressing the tip of the knife to his throat.

He had no actions after that. He only glared at me keeping silent.

"Maybe I really will kill you're beloved girlfriend. If I threatened her life, maybe you'll speak..."

"No." He narrowed his eyes, before coughing.

"Tell me where Matthew is!" I snap at him punching him. "Or your girlfriend is dead.."

He looked down then back at me. I saw him spit up blood before looking down again.

"You can break my soul and take my life away..." He suddenly said to me. "You can beat me and hurt me, torture me then kill me."

"But for the love of God..." He suddenly looked up at me his eyes narrowed. "You don't touch her..."

"Now, young Nathan. If you wish to keep your precious girlfriend and child safe, you will tell me the whereabouts of Matthew Patrick."

He looked at me silently for a moment. I kept the knife pressed to his throat but carefully lowered his head back down.

This guy could give me info at any time, and in order for Matthew and the others to show up here, I need to keep him alive.

The temptation to kill him is over powering my desire to get revenge on Matthew Patrick, so torturing the young man is the only thing close enough to actually killing him. As long as he feels pain, I can torture this Foppish Musician until the other show up.

And as soon as they do, this young tortured man, will be the first to go.

This young man remained silent as a gently spun the knife causing the tip of it to barely pierce his Skin.

After another minute of silence, the black haired man finally coughed.

"You wish to know the wherabouts of Matthew Patrick?" He asked, not even looking up.

I look at him not saying anything, hoping he'd continue talking.

But he stayed silent again, staring at the floor.

I waited paitently knowing he'd spill valuable information in order to keep his girlfriend safe.

"Burbank." He finally said barely looking up. "Matthew Patrick... is coming here."

Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now