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After dressing his wound and convincing him to eat food, an hour after he showed up here, I managed to calm him down. He wasn't shaking as much, but he still seemed off. Even though, Nate was somewhat relaxed, he still hasn't said anything.. But I need to know what was going on.. He sat at my kitchen table, staring at Skip who was sitting on my counter. I don't wanna bring up what just happened. I just calmed him down, I'm scared if I ask whats happening, he'll freak out.

I didn't notice this while we were outside, but noticed this while dressing his wound. His body is littered in bruises, gashes and cuts.. I'm not sure how he got them, but it's slightly concerning. His left eye was bleeding, but I wasn't able to see it outside because of his hair. It looks like he was clawed in the eye by an animal.

"It's my fault." He suddenly said to me. "They took her because of me."

I decided not to say anything an let him talk.

"I left the apartment for five minutes to grab something from the main lobby, and.. and as soon as I went back upstairs, and they took her, they attacked me.. I was attacked, and within seconds, she was gone. So was she.. I looked for her, but could barely move.. Then they came back.. So I ran.. I ran as far as I could... and now I'm here.."

He then looked at me with one of his looks. "Who are they?" Nate asked for me, as he looked away for a moment, looking down at his drink. I was drinking some water, and I found something in my cabniet, that would at least get his strength up. "... I don't know." He answered. "I don't know who they are, all I know is they took Morgan, and tried to kill me."

He then looked at me.

"Why would they take Morgan?" I ask quietly.

He looked at me for another moment, giving me another look.. He knows something.

"Nate, why would they take her?"

"I dunno." He answered truthfully. "Why would they take Stephanie?"

I then froze. "What?" I ask.

"They don't just have Morgan.. They have Stephanie too.. and Brett's wife." He explained taking a small reluctant sip of his drink.

I stood up quickly leaving the kitchen, while he sat there. truthfully, I don't want him getting up.

"Stephanie!" I call. "Stephanie!!"

He's right.. She's gone...

I make it back to the kitchen, seeing the look in his dark eyes.

"What do we do?" I ask.

Nate sighed, attemping to stand up, but decided not to. "Our world has turned to Dust Matthew.." I hear him say. "Dust.."

I narrow my eyes, confused of his words..

"What makes you say that?" I ask him.

He sighed again, looking at me, tapping his cup quietly.. "They're after us.. They took Steph and Morgan.. It's no game Matthew.. There's no Theory for this.." He explained quietly. "They want war.. We have no time left.."

"So you're saying.." I started...

"These are our final hours, Matthew... Make them count."

Final Hour (NateWantsToBattle & MatPat)Where stories live. Discover now