Chapter Eight

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Friday night.

Date night.

With Alex.

Remind me again why I agreed to this?

I turned this way and that in my floor length mirror, wondering if there was any way to get my hips to stick out less. I'd always hated that about myself.

I tugged the skirt up, and then down, over my hips before groaning as I heard the bell ring.

"Would you relax?" Cash said, rolling his eyes. "You look great."

Oh. I may have forgotten to mention that Cash was here! After nearly a full day of begging, he convinced me to let him hang out with me while I got ready for my date.

It wasn't a real date, though. I had no interest in Alex, and he had no interest in me. I had a feeling that this date was just for Alex to piss Cash off because while the school Alpha Male has dating standards to fulfill, the school bad boy can date whoever he wants.

I knew I was going to be royally screwed over if anyone knew Cash and I were even remotely friends. Earlier today, in school, Jason had approached me for the first time since the day he told me about the attack on Cash.

"Jane," he'd said sternly, "We gotta talk."

"So talk," I said simply, digging through my locker for my pen.

"I know it was you who tipped Cash off."

"What the hell would make you think that?" I snapped, but clearly my façade wasn't fooling.

"Cut the crap. I saw you talking to him at lunch the other day, and I don't know what's going on between you two, but you gotta choose. Us or him."

It occurred to me, briefly, that who I had as friends shouldn't be choice like this. I shouldn't lose one while choosing the other.

"Okay," I said carefully, taking into consideration that Jason already knew Cash and I were friends, but wouldn't have the guts to start a rumor of his own. "I choose him. Because he isn't making me choose."


"Have her home by nine," Cash instructed as he pulled open the door to reveal Alex standing on my front steps in khakis and a green polo.

"Nine!?" I laughed, and then laughed even harder when I saw Alex. "What the hell are you WEARING?" He scowled at me and lifted up the plastic bag he's carrying.

"My mom found out I was going on a date and forced me into these Class A D-Bag clothes. Can I change in your bathroom?" I nodded and let him past me in and into the house.

He was about to go into the bathroom when he spun around to face Cash.

"Nine o'clock? Really, man? Why? You got plans with Jane once I'm gone?" he said, winking at me. Cash flipped him off as Alex walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"He's a keeper," Cash muttered, and I laughed. Was he jealous?

"Chill out," I said, boldly wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him. "I don't actually like Alex like that, Cash."

He looked down at me, eyes shining as his hand came up to cup my cheek.


"You're so beautiful," I said, my knuckles tracing her jaw. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, Alex be damned, but I knew that it wouldn't just be a kiss.

A kiss had implications, and repercussions, and meaning. Too many things I couldn't yet convey to Jane.

I leaned down, pressing my lips lightly to her forehead, watching as her face flushed. The bathroom door creaked open again, revealing Alex in black jeans and a tight white v-neck. His leather jacket was slung over his shoulder. He was the epitome of a bad boy, to be truthful.

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