Chapter Fourteen

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Dad looked at me, then at Mom, and then at me again.

"Oh," Mom said. "Jane. You're home."

"Yeah. What's going on here?" She shrugged, casually.

"I don't know. Nothing of your concern." The way she blew me off was what sent me over the edge.

"It is of my concern, mother. Why are you here?" I snapped, turning to Dad.

He went pale. "I came to arrange custody papers and things -"

"Custody papers?" I asked, startled. "You think I would want to come live with you after you left me with her?"

"Jane, don't speak about your mother like that."

"Why not? Do you know what it's like coming home everyday and having your house smell like sex? I never ever want to invite people home because I never know if mom will be here screwing some random guy!"

"Jane!" Mom cried and I spun on my heels.

"Try and deny it Mom." She opened her mouth but nothing came out. "You can't," I spat.

"Jane, if you don't like living here then why don't you come live with me?"

"Where? In New Jersey? I have a life here! I have friends and - and, God."

Cash. I had Cash. And there was no chance I was going to lose what we had.


"Cash, sweetie, can we talk?" Mom called from the kitchen and I carefully approached her.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Do you... do you love that girl?"

"Jane?" I asked, startled by the up-front-ness of her question. She nodded and I sat on the edge of the table. "I... I don't know. Not yet, at least."

Mom sighed. "Jane has... she's got a hard life, Cash."

"I know, Mom."

"Just... go easy on her, alright? Don't break her heart."

I would never break Janes heart on purpose, I though to myself, undignified that Mom had even suggested it. But accidentally?

That was a whole other story.


I didn't stay to listen to the rest of the argument, I just climbed the stairs to my room and slammed the door shut.

How was this fair? Was fate always this cruel? I considered calling Cash, but I knew I had already pulled the clingy girlfriend vibe and I didn't want to impose further.

I lay back on my bed, wondering what would happen if I got emancipated.

I laughed, bitterly. There was no way for me to support myself if that happened, no way for me to survive.

So, I called Alex.

"Hey," I said when he picked up. "I need your help."

"Again?" he said, the smirk apparent in his voice. "Is this gonna be a regular thing, Jane?"

"Alex, it's serious."

Immediately all goofiness was gone from his voice. "What is it? Let me pick you up."


"Of course. I'll be there in five."

Five minutes? Either he only lived two blocks away or he was speeding like there was no tomorrow.


When I clambered into the car beside Alex, Imagine Dragons was playing and the car smelled suspiciously of weed.

"Have you been smoking in here?"

He chuckled. "Nah, some of my buddies were yesterday, though."

I scrunched up my nose as he started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


I laughed. "What? Why?"

"Because you woke me up, babe, and I need me an Egg McMuffin."

I rolled my eyes. "So what's the matter Jane."

"Who said anythings the matter?"

"You were the one that frantically called me remember?"

I shrugged, looking out the window for a moment before practically spilling my guts to him.

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