Chapter Nine

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Alex pulled up in front of my house and stopped the car, the engine still humming around us.

"Tonight was awesome," I told him, and he grinned at me.

"I have that effect on the ladies," he said, cockily, running a hand through his hair and winking at me.

I slapped his arm. "You're such a douche," I informed him.

"I know. But I think that's why I'm your best friend."

"Best friend?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows.

"Well, only friend, really."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Jerk," I said, getting out of the car.

"Geek," he responded.

"Satan worshiper!" I cried, giggling and he rolled his eyes.

"Try telling my Mom that. She runs book clubs and buys me rich boy sweaters. She'd blow a fuse."


"And besides. Satan worships me, sweetheart." He smirked, winking at me as he drove off, down the street.

I shook my head, still smiling, and walked up the crooked, cracked, walkway to the door.

"Hey," Cash said, stepping out of the door before I could open it. I smiled at him. "How was your date?"

"A lot of fun," I said, and saw the crestfallen look on his face. "Cash. Alex and I are just friends. I promise."

He seemed to lighten up at this.

"I have a surprise for you," he said, and I frowned.

"Now? It's like nine thirty!"

"Oooh, is it past your bedtime?" he teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Grandpa."

"I resent that!"

I let him take my hand and pull me down the walkway once again. Then, we are walking down the block and onto the main road.

"Cash, what the hell? It's too late to be doing this..." I whined, hearing the cars whooshing past us on the road

"You trust me, right?" he asked and I instantly remembered the way we had hidden together in that shower stall that fateful afternoon.


"Good. Just five more minutes."


I was excited, and nervous, and scared. I hoped she liked it as much as I did.

We walked side by side down the road, the sidewalk beneath our feet, as the cool night air settled around us.

I reached over, boldly, and snatched up her hand, pulling her to the side and down a side street.

Her palm was warm, her fingers curled around mine. I wanted to protect her the way she was protecting herself. Was that crazy?

I tugged her in between a set of pine trees and suddenly we were in the woods. She squeaked, and clung to my arm.

"Are you bringing me here to murder me?" she yelped pulling away from me, and I laughed.

"Relax, Jane. I wouldn't want to live in this world without you."

She looked up at me, startled at my sudden confession. I stopped walking, looking back down at her.

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes." The answer is instantaneous, I don't even need to think it through because it would still be true.

She stepped closer to me, closer and closer until we were chest to chest, and almost eye to eye.

"I want to kiss you so badly right now," she said, and then it was my turn to be startled.

"I want to kiss you too," I admitted sheepishly. "But not here, in the middle of the woods. Follow me."

We walked father into the woods, the darkness creeping up on us, the sounds of breaking branches and night animals gracing our ears.

I wouldn't be risking this if I didn't think where I was taking her was worth it.

After nearly three more minutes I managed to pull her out of the thick branches and into the open clearing.

She gasped. "Oh, Cash it's beautiful!"

She looked around, at the open grass, and the moon reflecting off the surface of the pond. She spotted the little rock formation cave near the opposite side of the pond, and I led her over to it.

"I found this place a few years ago, and I just... it's calming, you know? It helps me not worry about everything that's wrong in my life."

She snorted at this. "You're Cash Anderson, what could possibly be wrong with your life?" Of course, I was upset that she thought of me like that, until I remembered that I was keeping my façade up, even with Jane.

"You'd be surprised," I replied.

"Name one thing in your life that wasn't planned out Cash. One thing that gets you upset, and worked up."

I looked over at her as she leaned back on her palms, her pale skin practically glowing from the moon light filtering into the cave.

As she looked back at me, curiously, I made up my mind.

I took that leap of faith.

"You," I said, as I crushed my mouth to hers.

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