Chapter 9

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The next day we get ready and go to Vidcon. Shane walks up to all of us.

"So your coming over?" Dan nods. "Your so cute together!" Shane says then looks at our intertwined hands. I blush and smile then look at my feet.

"Thanks." Dan says then chuckles.

"I got to go back over here. I'll talk to you guys later!" Shane says. 

"SAMANTHA!" Katelynn yells then runs up to me. "I say it yesterday! That was so adorable!"

"I know right!?" I say then let go of Dan's hand and start jumping around with her.

"Babe? We need to go. People want to see you." Dan says. I feel my cheeks warm up.

"When are you coming back?" I ask.

"A week. I'll call you when I get there." She says. I smile and hug her then run over to Dan.

After Vidcon we go straight over to Shane's. We walk in after Shane lets us in. Their dog comes up to us.

"CORNEY!" Me and Emma yell at the same time then start playing with her.

"Well we got them entertained so lets go." Dan says.

"So we're going to be doing the TMI tag if thats okay." Shane says.

"Yeah it's fine!" Phil says. Shane gets his camera set up and gets 3 chairs for all of them.

"So you making videos for both of your channels?" Shane asks.

"Just Dans since he hs more subscribers." Phil says.

"On Dan's channel you could do the random questions tag." I say.

"Yeah lets do that." Dan says then smiles at me. I look back at Corney. 

"Hey whats up you guys! Today i'm her with not only YouTubers...but British YouTubers!" Dan and Phil wave. "Say something only British people would say."

"Um Lets go out for tea love!" Dan says. Shane laughs.

"Okay so today we're going tobe doing the TMI tag which i'm excited for! The first question?" Shane says.

"What are you wearing?" Phil asks.

"Well you can pretty much see what we're wearing." Shane says.

"Yeah." Dan says.

"Next question!" Shane says. 

"Ever been in love?" Phil asks.

"Nope." All 3 of them say together. We all burst out laughing.

"Never will either." Shane says.

"Do you have a crush?" Phil asks.

"Well I have a girlfriend." Shane says.

"Mine is sitting over there." Dan says. The all look at Phil. He blushes then looks at him phone.

"OH MY GOD PHILLY HAS A CRUSH!" I yell then run over to him and pet his head. "GUYS KEEP PRESSURING HIM TO HEE WHO IT IS!" I say to the camera.

"You can get out now." Dan says.

"Fuck you."  I say then walk out.

"True love right there." Shane says then looks at his phone. We all laugh.

After they finish that video they go onto Dan's video.

"Hello internet! Today i'm here with Shane Dawson and...Phil...right there." Dan says then pats Phil's hair.

"Hey!" Phil says.

"Well today we're going to be trying the Random Questions Tag because i'm trying to fit in like other YouTubers!" Dan says. "First question?"

Oh My God He Loves Me; A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now