Chapter 12

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A/N: Emma your not in it so 

I get up and i'm still in Dan's grasp. I get out of his arms then put on some of Dan's sweat pants that are way to big for me but i don't give a fuck. I walk into then kitchen and see Phil getting cerial and coffee.

"Morning." He says. "Nice outfit."

"I know right." I say then laugh.

"Want to read through some comments from my video I posted last night?" Phil asks.

"Sure." I say then follow him into the lounge. He gets his laptop then get onto the video. "You did a day in the life of Dan and Phil?"

"Yeah. It was yesterday." Phil says.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask then grab the laptop and watch the video. Some of it shows him talking in the morning then getting Dan then him showing Dan rushing around and Dan asking what he should wear for the date. "Aww he didn't know what to wear!"

"He really likes you." Phil says. I nod. The video continues where me and Emma show up and Dan hugging me and us racing for the XBox. It shows us meeting Samantha and her friends, then it shows Phil making a quiet face then filming me and Dan cuddling and sharing popcorn.

"PHIL!" I yell then hit him in the arm. 

"What it was adorable!" He says. Then it cuts to me sleeping on Dan's lap. Dan keeps running his fingers through my hair (not as creepy as it seems). They start talking about random things and Emma dancing around the lounge to Let It Go because it was stuck in her head. All together the video adds up to about 9 minutes. I scroll down and read the comments. Most of them saying how cute me and Dan are together. Dan walks in.

"Morning." I say.

"When did I say you could wear my pants?"

'Since now." I say. He shakes his head then sits on the other sofa. I hand Phil his laptop. I get my phone then start playing Flappy Bird.

"This fucking game." I say.

"Whats your highscore?" Dan asks.

"9" I say.

"Mine is 42." Phil says.

"Well fuck you." I say then turn off the game. I get on Twitter then tweet: Dan and Phil are being mean because my highscore on Flappy Bird is 9. Emma tweets back saying: tell them I said to stop being mean to my bae. "Emma said to stop being mean." Phil laughs. "You two are so cute together!"

"Shhh." He says.

"I'm serious! She hasn't cared for anyone as much as you! Or me but you know I don't count." I say. He blushes. "PHIL IS BLUSHING DAN!" I poke Phil's cheeks.

"Sam thats enough." Dan says then gets up and trys to pull me off the sofa.


"It's not rape if you like it." Dan says.

"You pervert." I say. He laughs.

"We have the raidoshow today. Isn't it the open thingy where people can come in and watch?" Dan asks.

"Oh yeah." Phil says.

"I WANNA GO!" I yell.

"I have an extra ticket." Dan says.


"Not for you."



"Yesssss." I say. We all laugh. "It's 10:00." 

"Video?" Dan asks.

"Sure." I say.

Oh My God He Loves Me; A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now