Chapter 28

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Whats going to happen?
Are we going to be good parents?
Will Dan ever let us play with his look?
Find out in the next few chapters!

2 Months Later

"So whos heard of the talking Angela thing?" I ask. All of us except for Phil are sitting on the sofa.

"Me." Emma says.

"What is it?" Dan asks.

"So theres this pedofile who hacked into it and in Angela's eyes there is a picture of a room, and it asks you personal questions, and it takes pictures of you. This one girl lied about where she lived then the app said 'your lying' then posted a picture of her aunts address then she was about to exit out then the app said 'i know your about to leave, watch your back sweetheart'." I say.

"Holy shit thats scary. Lets get the app." Dan says.

"No Dan what if they find our address?" I ask.

"Makes good YouTube content. Download it on my phone Sam." Dan says then gets up and gets the camera.

"Dan no please." I say.

"Why are you so scared of a game?" He asks.

"Because it could find us Dan." I say.

"It's not going to find us. I'll turn locations off. Trust me we will be fine." Dan says. "Plus we can lie."

"We can cover the camera also." Emma says. I groan then get in his phone and start downloading it. Dan turns on the camera.

"It's going on my channel." I say.

"Fine." Dan says then comes to sit next to me.

"Hey guys i'm here with Dan and Emma and excuse mine and Emma's fatness yeah pregnancy problems. Today we're going to play talking angela. It's this game where this pedo hacked it and is trying to rape little girls. I downloaded it on Dan's phone." I say.

"If anyone is going to get raped it's Dan." Emma says.

"Exactly. Dan move the camera with how you do for your dating app videos." I say. I sit back and he sets the camera in the right position. Me and Emma get the paper and cover up the phone camera. "I think i'm so scared i'm going to shit my pants."

"Oh god please don't shit your pants." Dan says. The game opens up.

"Okay so you can see the room in her eyes." I say.

"Thats creepy." Dan says.

"Whats your name?" The game asks.

"Ching Chong." I say.

"Oh hello how are you?" It asks.

"Where the hell is the pedo?" Dan asks.

"Uncover your camera!" The game says, then stwiches to a robotic voice.

"No." I say.

"Where do you live?" The game asks.

"China." Emma says.

"Your lying you have british accents." The game says.

"Dan i'm scared." I say then look at him. He sighs then takes the phone and stwiches places.

"Because we just moved." Dan says.

"Oh. Are you lazy or phisical?" The game asks. Emma gives me a weird look.

"Lazy." Dan says.

"Really? I'm pretty phisical, with my tongue...What do you do with your tongue?" The game asks.

"Is game is smooth as fuck." I say.

"Not licking you." Dan says. I burst out laughing. "Goodbye."

"No don't leave lets play together!" The app says. Dan exits out of it then deletes the app.

"Okay lets go burn my phone now!" Dan says. We set the camera back up in the other position.

"Well you just saw us play with a pedo. We may have to get Dan a new phone now...Sorry. But yeah make sure to subscribe and like and all that shit and goodbye!" I say then get up and turn off the the camera. "That was scary."

"Don't worry their not going to find us." Dan says.

A few hours later Phil comes home and tells us to get ready to go shopping. Me and Emma get ready.

"God we're so fat." I say.

"Oh god I know." Emma says. "Phil and Dan getting us pregnant and all that damn." 

"I know right? Fucking man whores." I say.

We walk downstairs then get a taxi. We start driving towards the shopping outlets. While we go there me and Emma start messing with Dan and Phil's hair yelling "LET US PLAY WITH YOUR LOOK!" Until Dan tells us to stop. When we get there we get out then do a bit of window shopping until we come across a Hot Topic. Me and Emma look at each other then run inside. Dan and Phil groan then follow us inside. 

"Oh my god a Doctor Who dress Dan can I get it!?"

"Your pregnant." He says.

"Not for my whole life please please please pleaseeeeee!?" I ask

"Fine." He says. 

'Can I help you with anything?" A worker asks.

"Yeah can I get a meidum in that dress please?" I ask. She looks at my stomach.

"Would you like to try it on?" She asks.

"Oh, it may seem weird. I'm pregnant. I'm going to wear it when I have my kid." I say.

"Ooohh that makes more since I was about to say." She says. I laugh. She gets the dress down then hands it to me. 

"Thanks." I say.

We check out then walk around a little bit more until mine and Emma's feet start hurting so we go home. When we get home all of us go to Dan's room and sit around.

"Only 2 more months until I find out if its a boy or a girl." I say.

"What are you going to name it?" Emma asks.

"If it's a girl River, and a boy Spencer." I say. My phone starts ringing. I look at it. "It's Katelynn." 

"Answer it." Emma says.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey! I'm about to get on the plane to come down! Can I stay with you and Emma?" She asks.

"Um I don't know how long is the flight?" I ask.

"11 hours. So you'll have to pick me up at 3." She says.

"Well, let me ask." I say. I put the phone on mute. "She said that she is just getting on the flight, and she wants to stay with us Emma."

"Well we would have to pick her up at 3!" Emma says. I shrug. "I don't know I guess. I'll probably just stay here."

"I'll stay with you at your apartment Sam." Dan says. I smile.

"Cool." I say. I unmute the phone. "Yeah you can come."

Oh My God He Loves Me; A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now