Chapter 15

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Later me and Dan leave with lots of hugs. 

"The beach is just a few minutes away. We can walk." Dan says. I nod. We start walking to the back. I can see the sand and rocks about 5 minutes later.

"Dan were here." I say. 

"Yeah." He says. I run the rest of the way to the boardwalk and see the people lined up on the beach, some sitting in towels, and others in the water. I look over at Dan then smile.

"I want to swim!" I say.

"Calm down, I have to change first." He says.

"Into what?" I ask then laugh.

"I got some stuff from my parents." Dan says. I nod. "I'm going to go into the bathroom over there. Go ahead and pick a spot for the blanket." I nod then take the blanket from Dan then run out onto the beach. It's a bit hotter here then in London. I pick a open spot for the blanket then lay it down and put my shoes on the side of it so it doesn't fly away. I take off my shirt and shorts to reveal the black bathing suit underneath. I see Dan walking towards me. He has on these white and orange swimming boxers or something. I laugh at him when he gets closer to me.

"Hot." I say. He laughs.

"I agree." He says, pretending to flip his hair.

"I'M SO EXPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSED!" I yell, while running to the water. Dan catches up then picks me up and throws me into the water. We end up into a big splash fight.

After the beach we go back to Dan's parents and we dry off and change. Dan says goodbye to his parents and we end up leaving.

Back at Dan and Phil's apartment Emma is over and their cuddling on the sofa. 

"Hey Emma." I say. She looks back at me.

"HEY SAMANTHAA!" She yells. I laugh and go up to Dan's room and lay down on the sofa.

"Can I wax your legs yet?" I ask.

"Yeah. The wax is in the bathroom. Lets first start the video." Dan says. He sets up the lights and camera in the office. I get up and walk into there with him. "Hold up. Go behind the door."

"Damn you." I say then get behind the door.

"Hello internet so since probably everyone knows someone is supossed to wax my leg YET AGAIN because I miss another video so I have my girlfriend here." Dan says. I walk in.

"Hello people that probably wish they were me!" I say.

"I hate you." He says.

"Save it for after I wax your leg." I say, then grab the wax off the table. "Warm it in the microwave." I do the little hand motion Dan did in a video with Phil a long time. He rolls his eyes.

"Your such a fan girl." He says.

"I know!" I say then stand up. Dan grabs the camera and follows me with it into the kitchen. I put it in the microwave then get into the cupboard. "Babe do you have any pocky?"

"Maybe." Dan says.

"Babe." I say then look at him and hes filming me. "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I JUST LOVE FOOD!" I grab a bag of his malteasers and stuff the bag in my mouth. Dan sits the camera down then runs over to me then takes the bag but when I don't give it he starts tickling me.

"Give me the Malteasers." He says.

"NEVER!" I yell. Emma walks in and looks at us.

"I'll leave you two alone." She says.

Oh My God He Loves Me; A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now