Chapter 17

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The next morning I don't speak to Phil. The stuff that happened last night just made me lose my trust for him. I really wish I could tell Emma and Dan but that would turn out horribly. I just honestly don't know what to do. I don't feel that guilty because I mean I wasn't the one who did it but I did kiss back. I would have to admit it was a pretty good kiss. Bloody hell what am I saying? I'm sitting here making bacon until Phil pulls me out of my dream world.

"What do you want Phil?" I ask.

"Your burning the bacon." He says.

"Fucking hell." I say then quickly put it on the plate. "It's not that bad I guess."

"Ooh bacon just for me you shouldn't have babe." Dan says.

"It's burnt." I say.

"I don't care." Dan says.

"I'm going back to my flat for a few days." I say.

"Why?" Dan asks.

"I feel like you and Phil need your time alone." I say.

"What is your problem? You've been acting different since I got home last night." Dan says.

"Just feeling sick. That's why I want to go to my flat." I say.

"Aw babe why can't you stay here i'll help you." Dan says. I shake my head.

"I'm fine babe. You can even ask Phil I think we've been together for a while." I say.

"Okay." Dan says sadly.

Later that day me and Emma get some of our stuff. I hug and kiss Dan then tell him bye. I watch Phil hug and kiss Emma then she walks out the door. Dan is already gone somewhere. Phil grabs onto my arm.

"Don't tell anyone." He says quietly.

"I won't goddamn." I say then pulls my arm away from him and walk out the door.

At my apartment I sit on the sofa and finish editing my video with Dan and Emma is sitting beside me.

"Whats wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing why?" I ask.

"I've known you since 6th grade I can tell something is up. You would usually want to spend all your time with Dan." Emma says.

"Nothings wrong I just feel sick." I say.

"Samantha stop lying to me." Emma says. I shake my head and walk upstairs.

2 Days Later

I haven't been responding to Dan. I read all his texts and their all asking whats wrong. Emma is worried about me too but I don't tell her anything. Right now i'm laying on the bed about to publish my video. My phone goes off and it's Dan with a text. 

Babe i'm serious whats wrong. -D
Blame Phil. -S
What did Phil do? -D
Ask him. -S
Sam what did he do? -D
Sam? -D
Samantha i'm serious. -D
I told you to ask him. -S

He quits texting me. I publish my video on my new channel. I text Dan telling him then he tweets about it and puts a link. There is instantly 300+ views on it. I start reading through the comments.

Their so adorable together!
When he calls her babe to comfort her
I would want to get my makeup done by Dan.

I reply to some of them then Dan comments on it saying "i think I did quite good."

I reply back saying "Yes babe it was amazing."

Then he says "It's the new style. I already see it all around London. Oh yeah i'm coming over." I close my mac then turn on the little T.V in my room. 5 minutes later the doorbell goes off. 

"DAN'S HERE!" Emma yells.

"I'M UP HERE!" I yell back. Dan comes into my room then smiles at me and closes the door.

"Nice pajamas." He says then sits on the bed beside me. "Phil told me." I stay silent and just stare into his eyes trying to read his emotions. "I'm not mad." I look down at my hands. He leans me back onto him and I lay my head on his chest. "It wasn't your fault."

"I kissed him back though." I say quietly.

"I know babe." Dan says. He starts playing with my hair.

"I didn't want to be mean to him."

"I know." Dan says. "I'm mad at Phil though."

"Please don't. I don't want to be the person that tears you and Phil apart."

"Your not. We're not going to let a girl tear us apart. We talked about this. Not calling you just some girl." Dan says.

"I know i'm just some girl. I mean you met me at Summer In The City." I say. 

"Please just don't worry about me and Phil. I'm just going to stay here with you for a while." Dan says. I nod.

"I posted the video." I say.

"You did?" He asks. I get up and get my laptop then get onto YouTube. "Shit is it Tuesday?"

"Yeah why." I ask.

"Liveshow." Dan says.

"Oh." I say then get onto YouNow and let Dan login. He gets into que. Dan leans back onto the headboard and I lay my head on him and he puts his arm around me.

"And thats how I...Oh Dan is on? It doesn't show...Okay now it does. I just wanted to say I love you Dan! And if you want to check out my channel just click the button down there! Goodbye everyone and goodluck Dan!" The girl says then gets off.

"Hello guys!" Dan says. I look up at the camera.

"Hey." I say then smile.

"Let me just tell people on Twitter and facebook." Dan says. "I need my arm." 

"Oh sorry." I say then laugh. I get off him and he starts telling Twitter and facebook.

"Okay i'm done." He says then goes back to the tab withYouNow. The views darmaticly spike up. "HELLO GUYS HOW IS EVERYONE!?"

"I'm great." I say.

"Not you." Dan says. I slap him. "People are feeling tired, sad, depressed, hungry."

"Everyone is emo today." I say.

"Yeah is anyone happy?" Dan asks. "Sarah just yelled I AM in the chat so I guess. Shoutout for the guy spamming poop in the chat...yeah." He laughs. "Abby said makeout. No."

"Haha we hate each other to much for that." I say.

"Ava said to say literally. Like literally I literally just lit-er-al-e punched Samantha in the literal face." Dan says. "Do you love Samantha? no."

"No." I repeat. "It's a love hate realtionship.

Oh My God He Loves Me; A Danisnotonfire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now