Chapter One

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-   Chapter One –

I suppose a lot of teenage girls feel invisible sometimes, like they could be on a stage surrounded by flashing neon lights and still nobody would glance their way. I could say I feel the same way; however I am in fact invisible. Invisible to humans at least.

I’m not a ghost or a spirit of someone who has passed away. I would die for a chance to be able to walk on earth like humans do. But unfortunately I am destined to be a guardian angel forever. All I do is follow humans around and attempt to protect them from harm until the day they die. Then, I get assigned a new human and the process starts all over again.

I have had my fair share of annoying humans. A drug addict who spent all their time either high or asleep would have had to be my worst. I was nearly begging for him to die just so I could do something with my life.

Then one day my ninety-five year old retired human who spent all day knitting or sleeping finally passed away and I was given a new baby boy to look after. The moment he was born he was blessed with a head full of curly brown hair and light blue eyes; eyes that would cause girls to faint at his feet in the future.  His parents knew the moment they laid eyes on him that they would call him Ashton. Ashton Irwin.

This young boy instantly had a passion for music. At the age of seven he was playing the guitar like musicians you would see on television. Many said he was naturally talented but I was the only one who saw the thousands of hours he practised in private to perfect it. Guitar wasn’t his only talent he was also an incredible singer songwriter.

One cold winters night when he was only twelve he was home alone for the evening while his parents were out for dinner. He was sitting on his bed with his guitar on his lap, a pen in between his teeth and a small notebook beside him. I was sitting on the ground in the corner, imagining how he would react if I suddenly dropped my façade and let him see I was there. But like always, my conscious beat my imagination and I stayed silently in the corner. Ashton sat staring into space for what felt like hours before grabbing his notebook and scribbling down something. I couldn’t see what it was from where I was sitting and honestly I didn’t care. Then he started to lightly strum on the guitar and soon fell into a rhythm and he slowly began to sing the words he had just written.

He stopped abruptly, shook his curls violently and tore the page out of the book; scrunching it up in his fist and tossing it across the room. It landed just next to where I was sitting and I wanted desperately to pick it up. But I think a floating piece of paper would seem a little odd to a human.  

We both sat there for over eight long hours that night. Ashton: writing, singing, stopping, throwing. And I stayed sitting silently in the corner. But on that long cold night he wrote the song that would eventually be his first ever worldwide number one hit single.

That one song sky rocketed him to fame, a fan base growing almost instantly. Soon he could barely go out in public without being mobbed. He was invited to radio interviews or appear as a special guest on shows almost every day. He was living his dream.

His fans helped him win trophies for his songs and his face was covering every magazine. But with fame always comes hate. Every artist has to deal with hate and bullying and he slowly learned to deal with it. Ignore it and pretend it didn’t exist. I watched on the sidelines of everywhere he went and I could honestly say I was quite proud of having such a high achieving human. That was until he started to act a little differently. It was like Ashton forgot his manners, forgot what his parents taught him growing up.

I was forced to attend parties and clubs every single night. I mostly hid in the corner trying to avoid some sweaty, drunk human walking through me. I can admit I’ve seen enough teenagers making out with strangers to last me twenty lifetimes.

“Just protect him from harm. Make sure he stays safe. Make sure he stays alive.” I would whisper repeatedly as I followed him home through the dark in the early hours of the morning. Ashton, stumbling along the curb and falling asleep in bushes.

“Stop trying to get yourself killed.” I would say into his ear as I carried him home and tucked him into bed. Those were my favourite moments. The small period of time I was allowed to become human so I could physically help him. Unfortunately I was only allowed to do so because he was drunk and wouldn’t remember anything in the morning. I guess the drug addict human did have some advantages. I’m lucky he can’t remember it because he would think I was a fan who stalked him and carried him home all the time. That wouldn’t end well.


Hello there you look beautiful today

If you can't win them over with your writing then win them over with your charm is what my mother always told me

Anyways please vote and comment?

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