chapter Five

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-          Chapter Five  -

“Morning Grace.” Ashton skipped into the dressing room and sat down on one of the chairs in front of a mirror.

“Someone is rather chirpy this morning.” Grace smiled, walking over to him and grabbing her hair equipment out of her bag.

“I wrote three songs last night and I think they’re good enough for the next album.” Ashton beamed.

“I thought you said you had no inspiration.” She commented, combing his hair and spraying it with hairspray so that his fringe stayed in place.

“That’s what I thought. But then it all just came to me.”

“So what are they about?”

“You’ll find out soon.” Ashton jumped out of his seat, pulled Grace into a hug, and then sprinted off down the corridor towards the stage.

“Sound check starts in ten minutes Ashton, be ready.” A tech man who was walking past told him.

“I’m ready!” Ashton laughed. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. He sat down on an old sofa that was randomly pressed against a wall and sat silently, watching all the people walk past. I sat next to him and watched how the smile never left his face. I wonder what he’s thinking about.

“Mystery girl voice you there?” He whispered.

I wasn’t sure whether to answer but eventually decided I may as well. As long as nobody else hears me. “Right here.” It still felt so weird speaking out loud when he wasn’t asleep or drunk but it was nice knowing he was listening to me.

“Who are you? Or what are you? None of this makes sense.” He giggled like a little schoolgirl. People walking past kept glancing weirdly at him but he didn’t seem to care.

“I’m… your… conscious?” I face-palmed. What else was I meant to tell him? Oh, Ashton, I’m your guardian angel and I’ve been by your side from the day you were born and will be here till the day you die.

“I have always believed in ghosts.”

“Excuse me I am not a ghost.” I spat.

“Then what are you? A spirit?”

“An angel, dumbass.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I could never take them back.

“I didn’t know angels could call people dumbasses.” He laughed.

“Me neither.” I sighed. He was staring out into the space in front of him as he spoke. “I’m sitting next to you on the sofa.” He looked my way and my breath was taken away. It was like he was looking straight at me again. “Right there.”

“How is that even possible? Why are you here?”

“I’m your angel, everyone has one.” I admitted.

“Ashton, time to go to sound check.” A woman dressed in all black came and stood in front of him. He nodded and followed her silently to the stage. Ten rows of girls screamed as he walked on stage and waved to them.

“How are you all doing tonight?” He asked them. Another chorus of screams.  “I’m going to just play a song then you guys can ask me some questions how does that sound? Great.” He walked to the side of the stage and grabbed his guitar before resting his microphone on a stand and starting to play. When he finished the girls all screamed and clapped as he rested his guitar on the floor and sat on the edge of the stage like I normally do. His legs hanging off the edge. “Time for questions.” Almost every hand shot up in the air. He pointed to a girl in the third row and a microphone was passed to her.

“You mentioned recently in an interview a mystery girl, any luck with her?” She asked. I could see her hands were shaking as the microphone swayed in her hands.

“I haven’t even seen her again.” He laughed before asking for another question.

“Have you written any new songs recently? Maybe we could get a sneak peak.” A tall brunette asked, winking at the end.

“I actually wrote a few recently but I don’t think I would be allowed to show you any just yet.” Ashton frowned. This continued on for a few minutes and I just sat beside him. Swinging my legs in rhythm with his. “I have to go get ready backstage; I’ll be back when this arena is full.” Ashton waved to the girls as he walked backstage, making his way back to the old sofa. “Is it possible for you to reveal yourself to me or something? Or like trip someone over.” Ashton immediately continued our conversation from before.

“Nah, it’s not possible to show myself.” I lied.

“Oh… okay.” He sighed, resting his head in his hands. “I just thought maybe…. never mind.” He stood up and sat on a chair on the other side of the room. I stayed where I was, making sure to keep an eye on him but also letting him have his space. He probably has a lot to think about now.


Nearly 60 reads oh my gosh thankyou guys so much!

The next chapter is going to be so exciting so be prepared ^.^

If you could just vote and comment it would take two second and mean the world to me!

If I get 1 vote and 1 comment I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow but if not i'll upload it in two days time :o

Just some motivation there for you guys ;)

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