Chapter two

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-          Chapter Two –

“You have been incredible tonight London.” Ashton said into the microphone. The crowd erupted into cheers and screams. I sat on the front of the stage, my legs hanging off, facing the girls in the front row. So many of them were crying or screaming or attempting to get Ashton’s attention. I sometimes feel bad for the angels of these humans. Having to sit crammed amongst the thousands of people in the arena. Having to deal with their human being an emotional wreck a week before and a week after the concert. But other times I envy them. It would be nice to go to school and learn new stuff instead of partying all the time. Maybe the next human I get will be a doctor.

“I love you all so much, see you next time.” Ashton waved to the crowd before running backstage.

“Quickly, this way Ashton.” A large security guard ushered him through corridors quickly and shoved him into a black van. I sat beside him, watching him wipe the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and down an entire bottle of water in one breath.

We could hear and see humans trying to catch up to the van as we drove away into the night but eventually they faded into the distance and I relaxed slightly.

“Reckon we could head to a nightclub for a few hours before the hotel?” Ashton asked the man driving the car.

“It’s late Ashton. You have to get up at six tomorrow morning as well. You need your sleep.” The man answered.

“I said I want to go to a nightclub.” Ashton persisted.

“One hour max.” The driver gave in. Pulling over to the curb and stopping the car. Ashton jumped out of the car and I followed suit. “If you aren’t out here in one hour I’m coming in to get you.”

“Whatever you say.”Ashton mumbled under his breath before walking into the nightclub. The room was still filled with humans even though it was almost four in the morning and most of them were drunk. Ashton headed straight to the bar and ordered a drink before sitting next to a blonde girl and attempting to start conversation. The night dragged on and somehow Ashton ended up in the alleyway beside the nightclub surrounded by four very large, very scary looking men. “I wasn’t trying to get your girl mate. She came onto me.” He laughed, pressing his finger to one of the men’s chest.

“You famous pricks think you can get anything and everything.” The man pushed him lightly backwards, causing him to fall onto his backside.

“That’s because I can get anything I want.” He laughed, still sitting on the ground.

I reacted before I could think. Running towards Ashton, grabbing his hand, pulling him off the ground and running down the alleyway and out onto the street. The men were running after us and the van was nowhere to be seen so we kept running. It was difficult with Ashton stumbling and nearly tripping over every step but somehow I managed to keep him upright until we managed to lose the men. I dropped him on the curb and sat next to him, attempting to catch my breath.

“Who are you?” Ashton asked in between ragged breaths.

“Doesn’t matter, you’re too smashed to remember me in the morning.” I sighed. I have no idea where we are so how am I meant to get him back to his hotel?

“I’m not smashed I’m just stupid.” I could feel him watching me but I kept my gaze on the dark asphalt road.

“How many drinks did you have?”

“Two. I’m not even drunk yet, just tipsy. Tipsy and stupid.” I tried to remember how many drinks I had seen him drink but I couldn’t quite remember.

“You defiantly had more than that.” I tried to reassure myself but I could feel my palms starting to sweat.

“Nope just two. I have to get up in like two hours I don’t want to be hung over.”

“Call your security and get them to come pick you up.” I stood up abruptly and started to walk away. If I could just disappear into an alleyway I could turn invisible again and pretend this never happened.

“Wait where are you going?” I could hear him running after me. I was nearly out of sight when he grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks, forcing me to look him in the eyes.  “You saved my life you can’t just leave. I don’t even know your name.”

“I have to go.” I whispered. I felt like all the air had been pulled out of my body as I stared straight into his blue eyes.

“Will I ever see you again?” He asked, releasing his grip on my arm.

“Maybe.” I lied before running around the corner and turning invisible. I leant against the cold brick wall and seconds later he appeared around the corner. His eyes were searching the alleyway but I was already gone. He ran his fingers through his hair and sat back down on the curb. Pulling his phone out of his pocket and calling someone to come pick him up.

That was way too close.


Things start to get more interesting in a few chapters so bear with me till then

I hope you understand what's going on it can be sort of confusing I don't know

If you are confused just tell me and I'll try unconfuse it :D

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