Chapter Eight

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-          Chapter Eight –

“Tell me about your favourite human so far.” Ashton smiled. I looked out the hotel window trying to remember all the humans who had come before.

“Admittedly… It’s you.” I blushed.

“Really? The others must have been bad.” He propped himself up on his elbow on his bed.

“Well I certainly haven’t had the best bunch. A drug dealer, an office worker with anger issues, one who died at fifteen in a mental hospital, a high school dropout who was constantly drunk, one who committed-“

“That doesn’t seem fair.” Ashton interrupted me.

“Other people get doctors or child prodigies or professional sporting players but not me.” I sighed. “There is nothing I can do about it though, it’s decided by the exact moment your human died and the exact moment a new human was born.”

“When does this all end? Do you ever die?”

“We can only die if we die as a human. I’ve considered it before. But I’ve never been brave enough.” I fiddled with my fingers, not wanting to see the look on Ashton’s face.

“Lucky you didn’t because or else I would never have met you.” I heard him move off his bed and soon the couch dipped down beside me.

“But what happens when you die? I couldn’t handle another mental human.” I rested my head on his shoulder and pulled my knees up to my chest.

“Do you age? Like physically.” He rested his arm around me and placed his hand on my hip.

“We age whenever we’re in human form. Over the years I’ve been human enough days to be nineteen. So yes we do. But we don’t get diseases or illnesses.”

“What about injuries?”

“I’m not sure.” I subconsciously rubbed my hand over my wrist.

“Stay human with me, let’s grow old together.” He pulled away and looked me in the eye.

“I can’t.” I shook my head. Though the only reason I wasn’t agreeing was because I was scared. I’ve seen so many humans grow old and die and I can’t imagine that happening to me.

“Please.” He whispered.

“I’ll have to think about it.” I shrugged. “We should try writing some more songs.” I changed the subject.

“I would love to but there is a party on tonight and I said I would go.” He stood up from the couch and grabbed a jumper than was resting on the end of his bed. “You should come… Like as you.”

“People would see me.” I stood up and followed him as he grabbed his keys and shoved them into his jumper pocket.

“So? Just stick with me and everything will be fine.” He pulled me into a hug again. I had become quite used to his hugs over the few days we had spent together as humans. I can’t imagine a day without them anymore.

“But I look like shit.” I stared at myself in the mirror. My dark hair was messily falling down my back in waves and I was wearing a simple Mayday Parade singlet and ripped black jeans. I barely even noticed the tattoo’s that scattered my arms anymore or the bunches of bracelets I constantly wore on both wrists.

“You look incredible Carrie.” Ashton laughed, standing beside me. His hair was so fluffy and messy but it still looked perfect. He was wearing a Nirvana singlet and dark jeans. We were nearly matching.

“Can I take a picture of us?” I asked. He grabbed the Polaroid from his bag and handed it to me. I turned it around so it pointed at us. I could feel Ashton’s arm wrap around me and I smiled, clicking the button. A photo started to print out of the camera immediately and after a few shakes I could see it. I placed it carefully with Astons stuff so I could find it later.

“Let’s go.” I smiled, leading the way out the door. Saying I was petrified was an understatement. I have been to so many parties and clubs but never like this. What if I lose track of Ashton and he gets injured? What if my drink gets spiked? I’m not drinking tonight just in case. What if someone tries to talk to me and I can’t speak? I still haven’t spoken to anyone besides Ashton and considering what happened when I tried to speak to Grace, someone who I have known for so long, I think there is no chance that I could speak to a stranger.

We approached the large house and there were already humans everywhere. It was not even midnight and one was already passed out on the front lawn.

“I don’t think I can do this Ashton.” I grabbed his hand, starting to sweat straight away.

“Don’t worry I know some of the guys here, just stay with me.” He squeezed my hand reassuringly. Music was pumping out onto the streets and as we entered the house a disgusting smell overwhelmed me. Ashton pushed through the sweaty, dancing, drunk people and we exited the house out the back door. On wooden chairs around a small campfire sat three boys, I couldn’t see their faces because they were facing the other way but I could see one of them had bright pink hair. Ashton sat down on an empty chair and I did the same.

“Hey guys this is Carrie. Carrie this is Calum, Luke and Michael.”



So close to 100 reads omfg I love you guys so much and I promise if you comment on this chapter about who cares what I will check out your stories or whatever because I'm having trouble finding new ones :o

I got evacuated from my house for 4 hours yesterday because of bushfires again yay summer yay losing all sunday afternoon

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