Chapter 10

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Ashton ran off the stage, sweat dripping off the bridge of his nose. He ran right towards me and pulled me into a hug, purposely wiping his sweat all over me.

"Ashton you are so gross." I squirmed in his arms, but he was too strong.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He laughed.

"It was okay." I mumbled. He pulled out of the hug and took a step back.

"Just okay?" He frowned.

"You were great, don't get me wrong. But it was missing something." I chewed nervously on my nails, I could tell he knew what I was going to say because he started to walk away. "Ashton those boys deserve a chance to open for you! Give them one chance." I ran after him.

"Why do you want me to let them open for me so bad?" He asked as we walked through the busy corridors back to his dressing room.

"Why don't you want them to open for you so bad?"

He sighed and sat down on the sofa in his dressing room, kicking his shoes onto the floor and running his fingers through his sweaty hair. "I'm scared they'll misbehave and ruin my image." He admitted.

"Just let them open for one show, see how it goes, and then if you don't like it then don't let them open for you again. It's easy." I sat down on Ashton's legs that were taking up the entire sofa.

"If I let them play one show will you stop harassing me about it?" He smiled.

"I promise." I stuck out my pinkie, he laughed before joining his pinkie with mine.

"If this goes wrong I'm blaming you."

"It won't, don't worry."


"I am shaking so much." Michael shoved his hands deep into his jeans pockets. We could hear the roar of the crowd who were currently taking their seats inside the arena that was only behind the big black curtain.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." I patted him gently on the back. He looked over to me for a second before blushing and looking at the ground.

"You think so?"

"You guys are so talented. Everyone is going to fall in love with you out there." I laughed. Calum and Luke walked into the room with guitars slinged over their shoulders.

"You boys excited?" Luke beamed with excitement.

"I want to go out there already." Calum moved over to the curtain, peeking around it. "Holy shit guys, there are so many people."

"I can't believe Ashton let us do this." Luke joined Calum.

"He really wanted you guys to do this actually." I lied, they didn't need to know it was my idea.

"That's what I find quite surprising. We've been begging him to let us do this for months and the suddenly he changed his mind. It's just not very Ashton-like to change his mind." Michael shrugged.

"You boys are on in ten." A man walked in and then walked out straight after. I looked over to Michael who was staring intensely at the ground, his lips were pressed together in a straight line and his pink hair was falling over his forehead. I walked over next to him and gave him a little bump with my shoulder.

"Worried?" I asked.

He nodded his head.

"I know how I could get rid of the worry." I smiled. This was probably the stupidest idea I had ever had but kissing Michael wouldn't harm anyone. And it would probably calm his nerves right? And I've wanted to kiss a human for so long....

"And how is that?" He asked. Turning to me. This is my chance.

"A-a hug?" I stuttered. I pulled him into a tight hug while mentally face palming. You've had thousands of years to learn how to act around humans but you still suck at it. Good on you Carrie.

"Thanks that helped." He smiled.

"You're on in one minute." Someone started to push Michael towards the stage where Luke and Calum already were standing.

"Good luck." I called.


It's been so long since I've updated I apologise profusely but I do have a legit reason! I didn't have a laptop for a little while and my ipad is a little difficult to write on so im so so so sorry!

I know this was short and a little shitty but I will update later tonight and tomorrow to make up for it :)

Who do you ship more? Cashton (Carrie and Ashton) or Marrie (Carrie and Michael) ????

Please vote and comment it would mean the world to me <3

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