Chapter 2: The Written Fate

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Previous chapter...

"The Princess is born with a curse. A curse that lead her to death."

"She will know the right thing to do. Just like you."

"Mianhae Wang Yeo Oppa."


10 years later...

"Royal Fortune Lady, you have to bring Lady Eunha far away from the castle now! Go through the secret path underground!"

"But Your Majesty! I cannot leave not to serve my King and Queen!"

"You've done great things, Fortune Lady. Please! Protect her at all cost!"


"Shinae Nuna, jebal! Please go now! Bring Sun-ah with you too!"

The desperation look in the King's eyes shocked the Fortune Lady as he spoke her name. Ever since young, this is the second time he called her by her name. She remembered the first time he called her nuna when he wanted to protect Sun-ah by marrying her years ago. The only thing she can do was only to follow what he wanted her to do.

"Your Majesty," said the Fortune Lady. She did not know what to say anymore. In the current situation where the kingdom was attacked by The Dark Empire, she was stuck in the middle whether to just go or help the King.

"Nuna, I'm saying this as a dongsaeng. You've done everything to help me and Sun-ah as a guardian all these time. I believe now it is the time for you to become my daughter's guardian. Please, take care of her," begged the King.

The Royal Fortune Lady couldn't say no. The King is her little dongsaeng she's been raised after all. "As you wish, Your Majesty. Your Highness come with me now."

The Princess who was frightened in her Mother's arm cried even more. A 10 year old child like her knew what was happening around her. To run away now is to say goodbye. "Father, no!"

Without wasting much time, the Royal Fortune Lady brought the Queen and Lady Eunha away from the King. The Princess turn her head cried while watching her last sight of her father mouthing, "Saranghae... Eunha-ya..."

The door closed and they ran down to an underground secret path. Just when the three of them started to walk through it, the Queen stopped and put the Princess down. She wiped the Princess tears on both of her cheeks. "My Princess, I'm afraid I have to stay with your father. I'm not supposed to go with you. This path is destined for you to stay away from us now."

"Mother, what do you mean?! Father told us to go! Don't leave me! I don't have anybody else! Please, Mother!! I-,"

Just when the Princess wanted to vent out her frustration, she froze on seeing her mother's eyes turn royal blue. The Queen cast a spell, "Princess. Sleep. Now," The Princess slowly closed her eyes, fell asleep in her arms.

"Take her with you, Unnie," said the Queen. "You knew I'm destined to stay by the King's side. Thank you for keeping your promise all these while Unnie."

Of course The Royal Fortune Lady knew this day would come, the day where Sun destined to die. Keeping this a secret from the King is difficult for the Queen and her as well. "Sun-ah. If you think this is the right thing to do, I won't stop you. You know I care for you as much as I care for the King. Both of you are precious to me."

The Queen can only smile and tears started to fill up her eyes. "I never thought you would leave so soon, Eunha-ya. I wanted to see how you will grow into a beautiful lady wearing beautiful dresses. Perhaps, the time just don't let me to." The Queen stroked the Princess' hair. She handed the Princess to The Fortune Lady's arms.

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