Chapter 26

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Hello!!!!! I know, two updates in one day, but basically, I'm trying to cram in as many updates as I can before March, so there'll probably be two a week minimum, if I can. I will try to. So here's your second for today, just some rubbish with the Asian Family again (I still feel weird calling them that)
MiddleEarth4eva ^-^

Leon groaned. 'Why him? What's Batukhan got to do with anything?"

"You hate him anyway" Yong Soo pointed out.

"Yeah but..." Kiku sighed and raked a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I hate him, but the closest countries to our precise location now are Russia and Mongolia, and I don't see Ivan running in to save us any day in the future do you?" He ended up snapping towards the end of the sentence. "Sorry."

"It's fine" Mei picked up her phone and scrolled through the contacts before tapping one and ringing it. After a second thought, she put it on loud speaker. "Okay, no one be too loud yeah? There could be people closer than those by the lamppost, and they could hear and know that we're calling for help."

"We're not calling for help" Yong Soo cried, disgusted at the thought. "We're just..."

"Calling for reinforcements" Kyung Soo said.

"Right" Yong Soo nodded in acknowledgement.

"Wouldn't it be funny now if they weren't who we thought they were?" Leon said, sitting down on one of the cushions by the table. "It would be."

"I..." Kiku trailed off and ran to the window again. The boy and girl, who looked too much like Mei to be a coincidence, were still there. "It's definitely them."

"Kiku's sure" Leon said as Mei's phone buzzed, indicating someone on the other end had picked up.

"Yeah?" the voice on the other end was unmistakeably Batukhan's. He sounded exhausted. "What?"

"H... hi" Mei stuttered, trying to keep her voice to little more than a whisper. "Well... you see... we're in a bit of a predicament right now."

There was a sigh from the other end and a rustling noise. "What've you done now?"

"Um..." Mei started, but was cut off.

"We're under attack from our own counterparts" Yong Soo screamed down their end, shoving Mei out of the way and earning a 'shut up' from Leon, who he ignored. "They're going to kill us, and they all look evil and they're watching the house..."

"At least..." Kyung Soo continued. "Mei and Leon's counterparts are. We've no idea where Kuro is, and we did know where Xiao, Yong Soo and I's were, but now they're gone too."

"Isn't Yao there with you? Isn't he supposed to protect you?" Batukhan sounded unbelieving and like he was about to put the phone down at any second.

"That's the thing" Kiku said. "He was here. There's no way he could have got out past them, but now he's vanished. We've no idea where he is, what happened to him, or how to get out."

"Thank god someone I can make sense of. Just a shame it's you." Kiku rolled his eyes as there was a pause. "They're not attacking you yet are they?"

"No" Kiku shook his head as though to amplify the fact.

"So you have nothing to worry about."

"How are you so calm about this?" Leon grabbed the phone and ran to the other end of the room. "These are 2ps we're talking about you know? They're violent, murderous and we have five sitting outside the house somewhere, watching us. You say they haven't attacked us yet, but they will do, and there won't be anything we can do to stop it. The most advanced form of weaponry we have here are the four knives in the block in the kitchen. None of us have anything else and we know for a fact that Kuro, if he's here, will have his katana, and Xiao will have his knife. It's not a small knife either. And you're saying we have nothing to worry about?"

There was another pause, longer than the last, before a sigh. "Fine, fine. I'm coming. I'll be there as fast as I can, but as you know, it won't be as fast as you hope."

"Yes that's fine" Kiku wrenched the phone off Leon. "Thank you."

"You know I might not be able to get there before they attack you, if they do."

"That doesn't matter" Mei said, taking her phone back with a sense of relief that it hadn't been shattered in the fighting. "Just to know that some sort of help is on the way."

"Right... okay. I'll get there as soon as I can." Batukhan put the phone down and Mei put hers onto a surface.

"That could've gone worse" she said, smiling weakly. "I mean... it could have gone a lot worse."

"At least someone's coming" Leon grunted. "You lot were scaring him off you know. We could be alone, and with no one coming to help by this point if I hadn't taken the phone."

"Yeah?" Yong Soo sarcastically, pulling a face of mock disbelief and rolling his eyes.

"Well, we still have a problem what ever happened" Kiku said, striding past them into the kitchen.

"What problem?" Mei frowned and ran after him into the kitchen.

"The problem right outside our windows" Kiku picked up the knife block from where it sat on the surface abd brought it into the living room, placing it on the table before walking back into the kitchen. This time, the other three followed him too.

"What're you doing?" Kyung Soo asked as he emptied the cutlery draw and started sifting through the various implements there.

"You know we can't eat them to death right?" Yong Soo didn't sound like he was joking for a change.

"I know" Kiku said, staring down a thin cheese grater before shrugging and placing it to one side. "But as we told Batukhan. They have knives and goodness knows what else. We have one knife block. There has to be some other things we can use in this house right? So we need to look for them now, while we have time. If we have a pile of things that will be useful, we'll have a better chance when they attack." He glanced up at the four of them, standing staring at him in a sort of confused way. "Well? Off you go. Go and find stuff. Anything. If Yao is still around here somewhere, you might find him on your travels. Leon, do you still have those nunchucks in your wardrobe?" Leon nodded. "Well there you go. Already something useful. And Kyung Soo, Yong Soo, you always have something weird that could probably be used now somewhere abouts your room. Mei, wgat about your fabric scissors? They'd work." Mei looked like she was about to cry, muttering under her breath that 'the fabric scissora are called so because they are specifixally for fabric. Not people.' "Now all of you scram. We have work to do."

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