Chapter 41

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Argentina - Santiago
Bolivia - Camilla
Brazil - Diego
Chile - Andres
Colombia - Jose
Ecuador - Carlos
French Guiana - Isabelle
Guyana - Francisca
Paraguay - Maria Carmen
Peru - Juan
Suriname - Pedro
Uruguay - Miguel
Venezuela - Mariana
Sorry for the huge introduction on characters, I just sort of love the Latin American countries so much!!!! I'm actually killing myself with the amount of characters I've brought on though!!!

Caras - Dudes (Portuguese)

"Caras, now is our time to act" Diego slammed his hands on the end of the meeting table. The room wasn't as big as the World Meeting rooms were, but then again, this one only had to hold thirteen of them, not one hundred and ninety six. "The rest of the world is busy being attacked and, mostly, killed by these things that Alfred is calling counterparts, and apparently, we all have them. That includes us. We need to get our act together and be ready for when they come." He grinned and glanced around the room, the smile slowly sinking off his face.

To say that not many people were listening would be an understatement. To one side of him, Mariana, Andres, Maria Carmen and Jose were listening. That was it. Santiago was playing with a paddle ball, leaning right back in his chair, staring wistfully at the ceiling and sighing loudly often, giving the impression of someone who was bored. Francisca and Isabelle were having a muffled conversation about what sounded like clothes, and although he was pretending, and pretending well at that, to listen, Pedro was obviously more interested in their conversation than he was in world affairs. Miguel was gazing at the wall just behind Diego's head, maybe trying to stay focused, but by now his eyes had taken on a far away and dead look to them that made him look more like a zombie than a country. Juan was flicking his pen about his page, which at first glance might look as though he was writing, but on second, the notebook was full of doodles in bright colours from his retractable pen. Carlos and Camilla were asleep.

"Hey caras!" Diego slammed his hands down again, startling everyone into staring at him. "Were you listening? The world could end tomorrow and none of you would know about it!"

"It's not our fault you can't explain things very well" Santiago missed the ball and swore.

"It's not my fault you're all idiots" Diego snapped.

"Look who woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning" Carlos sat up as though it caused him pain and peered forwards out of sleep clogged eyes.

"Look who didn't get out of bed this morning" Diego sighed.

"Guys, you're all being mean"  Mariana shouted. "He's doing fine. I'd like to see you get up and talk about something you don't know anything about Carlos."

"Nope" Carlos put his head back on the table.

"Exactly" Mariana gave him a disappointed look and glanced around the room. "So what are we going to do about it?"

"World affairs don't affect us" Juan muttered, not looking up from his sketch. "Most of the time the world simply forgets we exist."

"That's not the way to think" Mariana started.

"That's a good point" Santiago rocked his chair back to four legs and patted him. "Good work on summoning the world up in a sentence."

"That's not fair" Pedro started. "Lots of countries..."

"Most countries" Carlos pointed at him, still with his face pressed against the table. "Most countries. We're generally forgotten."

"Matthew's more forgotten about" Isabelle said. "Only Papa and Allistor seemed to remember him all the time."

"This is beside the point caras" Diego swiped his hands as though dismissing the subject. "Point is, this could be the end of the world as we know it and..."

"Dark" Miguel grumbled. "It's not like it would be a bad thing. World's fucked anyway. What difference would it make if it ended? I say it would be better."

"You're all over reacting" Andres sighed. "It's not that bad."

"Caras, the countries of Norway and China are gone. Loads are dead."

"And there are loads more countries left" Andres flapped his hands a little either side of his head as if to show the apparent unimportance of the subject." There are more countries on this Earth than we know what to do with. It wouldn't matter if a few more vanished."

"Here, here" Miguel raised a hand.

"You're a psychopath" Francisca gave him a disturbed look.

"Congratulations" Andres sighed. "Now tell me something I don't know."

"Caras, we're missing the point again here" Diego yelled exasperatedly. "Are we going to do anything?"

"No" Juan said at the same time as Mariana shouted a definite 'yes', and then glared at him.

"No until they get to us" Maria Carmen said.

Diego sighed, relieved. "Thank goodness, the voice of reason returns from you.''

"But what then?" Camilla stared blankly around the room. "I mean, what then when they do come after us?"

"There's only thirteen of us" Maria Carmen shrugged. "We simply act like it's a war then."

"I can't remember how to fight in a war" Miguel raised his hand.

"I've never fought in a war" Andres raised his hand a little higher, smirking at it.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't rub it in" Santiago rolled his eyes and put his paddle ball on the table. "But seriously though, how do we know that we even have counterparts? We're just taking Alfred's word for it."

"And don't you trust him?"

"No" Juan said.

"Yes" Mariana hit him. "Yes we do."

"Hey" Santiago grabbed Juan and pulled him away from her. "Abuse to the small one!"

"Get off" Juan shoved him off.

"Their attention wanders like sand on a beach" Diego shook his head at Maria Carmen, who shrugged. "Uh, caras?"

"What? Caras" Santiago snapped.

"Are we going to do anything about this, or just sit here arguing and fighting over things like we usually do?" Diego asked. "I'm not usually the one to make peace" he muttered at Maria Carmen who nodded. "I'm usually the one breaking it I swear."

"Obviously we're getting involved" Mariana said loudly. "But only if anyone shows up."

Diego sighed in an even more obvious relief than when Maria Carmen had spoken up. "Finally, we reach an answer."

Hello! Just wanted to say, I'm going back to updating once a week again now ^-^
Happy readings

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