Chapter 65

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The second Leon left the meeting, he headed straight for the airport. It wasn't a huge convenience for him, increased meetings, always in different countries, when he had to keep going back to Iceland, but he didn't complain too much. It meant he could sleep, which was something he wasn't getting much of at the moment, but that was okay.

He didn't mind. Not really. 

Besides, what with all the recent problems, meetings had suddenly become interesting. Obviously, that wasn't really a good thing, but it meant that he wasn't constantly looking at the clock and wishing he was at home, or at the very least out of the meeting room. The meeting that day though, ha d probably dipped down to being the most depressing one they'd had for a long time. The remaining nations had all gathered in one room together, and Leon had counted them all. All twenty-two of them - not including Emil or Lovino, because at the present, neither of them counted. Emil hadn't woken up for over a week, and Lovino didn't even remember who he was. How could they count? Being a tiny nation, he didn't usually see much of the world, and most of the new nations who turned up at the meeting he'd enjoyed talking to. Jett spent most of the meeting jumping around, Logan punctuated every thirty seconds with a Lord of the Rings quote, Zuma fell asleep twice and Giselle kept on telling everyone about her pet Lemur, Julian, who she'd named after King Julian from the film Madagascar. They'd all shut up though when Arthur and Ludwig had started talking, and after that, no one spoke again until the very end.

Leon sighed, flashing his ticket and passport to a man with a red necktie standing at the door to the plane. He was shattered. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had a full night's sleep, or even slept in a bed for that matter. Recently, he'd been juggling his time between meetings, being at the hospital and helping Arthur and Vladimir in their search for where ever the counterparts were now. They hadn't tried going back to the original base location - they wouldn't still be there, Leon had confirmed that. There was too big an explosion for anything to be left, unless they had a secret basement that was. He hadn't suggested that to them, but knew it was a possibility. 

He just hoped that wasn't the case, or if it was, that they wouldn't find out. He'd screwed up enough as it was already without failing as something else too.

One of the flight attendants came to the front of the plane to do a safety check and point out the exits. Leon shuffled down into his seat, shifting closer to the window as someone sat down next to him. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but he woke up as the wheels hit ground again. From the airport, it was a short trek to the hospital, and after that, a simple job of navigating himself around the halls he knew all too well. 

No one looked up as he walked in, marching right past the desk and down the first corridor.

When he got to Emil's room, the doctor, who was always there, was standing outside the room waiting for him with a folder and a clipboard in his hands. He smiled and started heading towards him the second he came into view.

"What's happened?" Leon asked, wary of him the second he got within hearing range. 

"Hm?" the doctor frowned and then shook his head, accompanying him along the corridor. "No, I just want you to sign these sheets for me."

"What are they for?" Leon took them and stared at them for a moment before turning his stare to the doctor. "Are you serious?"

The doctor nodded. Leon handed him the sheet back and dodged around him towards the room. It was still full of beeping machines and drips, but this time, Emil was sat upright, finishing off a bowl of porridge and inspecting the contents on the back of a syrup bottle.

"Have you got any idea how much sugar they put in this stuff?" he asked, putting down his spoon to pick up the bottle and show it to Leon. "Like, seriously?"

Leon grinned. "You know syrup is literally molten sugar, right?"

Emil shrugged. "I suppose." He put the bottle down again and placed the tray and bowl on the floor next to him.  "Anyway, how's the world been?"

Leon shook his head. "You're unbelievable you are, you know that right?" He flicked Emil's forehead. "Never do anything like that again, okay?"

"Ow" Emil scowled and rubbed his head. "You think I wanted a limb being removed?" To emphasize his point, he waved his bandaged stump around angrily. "I miss my other hand."

Leon hugged him. "Glad you're alright though."

Emil shrugged. "But how many aren't?"

"Let's not start with the depressing stuff straight away" Leon groaned. "I've just sat through four hours of Ludwig and Arthur informing us about how the world is going to die."

Emil frowned. "How many are left?"

"Low twenties?" Leon shrugged. "It wasn't just us who were killing each other at the time. Everyone was. Most of Asia, Europe, Africa, North America - gone. South America and Oceania look okay, but that's because of Brazil and Australia. If it weren't for them, they'd look just as screwed as the rest of the world."

"Damn" Emil pulled a face. "I missed a lot, didn't I?" He sighed. "Did you sign the forms by the way?"

Leon shook his head. "Not yet. They can't discharge you straight away anyway, can they? I mean, how long have you been awake?"

Emil shrugged. "Since yesterday morning?"

"Yesterday?" Leon huffed. "They said they'd phone me if anything happened."

"Did they loose your number?" Emil suggested. "It's a possibility."

"I guess" Leon said. 

"Anyway" Emil shuffled around a little. "Please sign those forms. I think I'm going insane in here. I need to get out."

Leon laughed. "As you wish."

Princess Bride. Comment if you get the reference

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