Chapter 53

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Kyung Soo leant against the wall, head turned firmly away from the bloody scene to his right. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Leon picking his way through various body parts and other things that he wished he couldn't see. It wasn't as if he had that much choice in the matter at the present anyway. However far he turned his head one way, there would still be a red haze tainting one side of his vision. Maybe, if he hadn't been so tired, he'd have fully turned away from it, maybe faced the wall, maybe walked away or covered his eyes with his hands until there was someone there, or something like that, and then it'd be okay.

But that was if he wasn't so tired.

They'd spent the last at least half an hour fighting, not something he wanted to think about much. It had been the three of them - him, Leon and Yong Soo. They hadn't really come prepared for anything, just coming along to help, if need be, and because everyone else was. It was a fairly childish reason to come along, but it wasn't as if he wanted to go back to his own nation. It was carnage there at the moment, and he preferred to be away.

In a brief moment where he lost focus, Im Kyung glanced over at Leon as he gingerly kicked part of Jin Soo's head away, clearing a small path for him to walk down, stepping carefully over Ming Yue's wrist and around the mangled corpse of Hyung Sun.

Kyung Soo lurched forwards, a hand clutched over his mouth, retching.  A presence appeared beside him and he felt a hand rest on his back.

"There, there. You really aren't very fond of blood are you?" Yong Soo laughed slightly, patting him. "You're a funny one. You weren't this bad when the house was attacked."

"Shut up" Kyung Soo muttered weakly, straightening up and turning away from the bodies again. "It's just them right?"

"Just them, I promise" Yong Soo said, a smirk finding its way across his face. "Three of them, no more, other than a slightly lost looking Leon, that's it. And it gets better: you didn't kill any of them!"

Kyung Soo grunted. "Yeah... thanks for that."

"No problem" Yong Soo smiled as Leon made his way up to them.

"We really created a blood bath out there" Leon said, glancing over his shoulder. Kyung Soo didn't look. "Don't you think you went a little over the top Yong Soo?"

"They deserved it" Yong Soo shrugged. "What with Teach and Mei being gone. They had something to do with it, so they deserved it."

"Fair enough" Leon shrugged, taking a step forwards, away from the mess towards the end of the corridor.

"Is this what everyone's having to go through?" Kyung Soo asked, following him quickly, eager to get out of there.

"I don't know" Leon said, shrugging again. 

"Well, we came here to get an upper hand on them didn't we?" Yong Soo pointed out. "So, probably."

Kyung Soo shuddered. The images of the finished fight behind them flashed through his mind again. One of them had their head at an angle much over ninety, their neck sliced through almost entirely, the bone messily cut in half with a jagged, unclean edge, the skull attached to the rest of the body by a thin string of muscle. Another had a gash through their chest so long and so deep that something that could be labelled as a kidney, or maybe part of the intestines, could clearly be seen, although it was unmarked. The last had, had their limbs slowly cut off one by one, an arm having been completely dissolved somehow and a leg half way down the corridor behind them. He hadn't really acknowledged who had died in which way. He didn't look at them long enough.

The thought made him feel sick again and he went pale. He walked a little slower, trailing behind Yong Soo and Leon for a second while he clutched at his mouth and stomach without drawing attention to himself.

"It's a good point actually" he heard Leon say. "If everyone else is going through this, we could try and help them, right?"

"Hey?" Yong Soo frowned. "How do you suggest we do that? Appear behind them and stab them?"

"I don't know" Leon stared off into the distance as they turned a corner onto another thankfully empty hall. "We could... I don't know."

"So, we're basically going to try and get everyone out of... I don't know... trouble? And put an end to this?" Kyung Soo caught up with them a little and raised an eyebrow.

"Without seeming like we're running away?" Yong Soo asked, glancing at Leon, who nodded half-heartedly, not really paying much attention. "What do you suppose we do? Run about screaming at them to get out? We may as well just run away if we've found Francis and Sadik. That was why we came in in the first place."

"True" Leon mused. "So, we could just run anyway?"

"Why are we suddenly so intent on running?" Kyung asked, frowning.

"You were the one acting badly after that back there" Yong Soo gestured over his shoulder. "Don't think I didn't see that episode a moment ago."

Kyung Soo shrugged. "I'm just saying."

There was a short minute a silence in which they stopped walking and stood in the middle of the corridor.

"A bomb" Leon breathed, eyes going wide. "What if, we found somewhere where we could plant a bomb, and we could blow this place sky high."

Yong Soo and Kyung Soo exchanged a glance. "That's not like you" Yong Soo laughed. "But hey, I'm up for it."

"If everyone's going through fights like ours, what's to loose?" Kyung Soo said, looking up and down the corridor. "Where are you going to get a bomb though?"

"We'll find one, somewhere" Leon shrugged. "I mean, are you going to tell me that in the entire of this place, they don't have one singular explosive?"

"And, where are we going to place it?" Yong Soo asked.

"I'm thinking... maybe..." Leon thought for a second. "If we make our way outside, we can get onto the roof, or something like that."

Yong Soo laughed. "That's an odd idea."

"Do you have a better one?" Leon snapped. "And anyway, where else are we going to put it where it won't be tampered with?"

"Okay, okay" Yong Soo held up his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry."

"No, I snapped" Leon huffed. "But... seriously, what else are we going to do?"

"Maybe they have a cellar, or underground area somewhere?" Kyung Soo suggested. "I mean, it'd make sense if they did."

"True" Yong Soo tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Damn it Leon, you've got me exited about this idea now!"

Leon laughed. "If we actually did this, we'd have to get everyone out as fast as possible you know."

"Of course" Yong Soo rolled his eyes. "We're not stupid. We'll just give it a half an hour to an hour timer, or something like that, which would give us time to get out."

"Okay" Leon nodded. "So, who's in?"

Yong Soo grinned and thrust his hand into the middle of the small circle they'd formed whist talking. "I am."

Leon glanced at it for a second before placing his hand on top, closely followed by Kyung Soo. "You sure?"

"Of course" Kyung Soo grinned.

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