Chapter 16

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Lida - Czech Republic
Pavol - Slovakia

Everyone stared at Feliciano, who sat in his seat almost happily. The only thing that gave away his concern was the frown on his face that matched the one on Antonio's face.

"So" Alfred stood up and glanced around the room. "Clearly information hasn't reached a lot of you. Some of you are looking confused. Let me explain..."

"We're at war with the 2ps again" Arthur said abruptly, standing up and facing the room. A ripple of shocked murmurs spread around the room. "I don't quite understand how some of you didn't get it, but we are."

"Dude, I was about to say that" Alfred shouted. "Don't interupt."

"You were going to drag it out idiot" Arthur growled before turning back to the room. "Any questions?" A hand was raised slowly. "Yes Lida."

Lida stood up from her seat between Pavol and Elizaveta. "So, if we're at war against the 2ps again, what's the situation so far?"

"Well..." Arthur trailed off. "Alfred, I'll leave this one to you."

"What?" Alfred stared at hijm as he sat back down. "Dude, why do you always leave me with the bad news?" Another shocked murmur ran around the room. "But it's not that bad really, I mean... uh..."

"Not that bad?" Antonio leapt up. "It's bad Alfred. It's really bad. Lovino can't remember anything about anyone, let alone who he is. To himself, he's a baker from Rome. To be brutally honest, I don't actually think he's a nation anymore!"

"What?" someone shouted.

"Lucia and Sebastian are still missing, Feliciano can't talk, Ivan, Katyusha and Natalya are dead as well as Lukas, Allistor, Ronan, Bridget and Dylan. Francis and Matthew are missing too" Antonio finished. "And you're saying it's... not bad?"

"I... I didn't mean it like that" Alfred stuttered.

"Well how did you mean it?" Antonio asked. "Because which ever way you look at it, this is definitely not 'not bad'."

"Okay Antonio, I think you're getting a little worked up about this" Arthur said, going over a carefully placing a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should take a break?"

"Why?" Antonio shrugged him off. "We're just getting started."

"No Toni, he's right" Gilbert walked over and slung an arm around his shoulders. "Come on, just step outside for a minute. This isn't you. Cool your head. Be awesome again."

Antonio went to object but sighed and went with him out into the corridor.

"Okay, so as we can see" Alfred gestured to the door as it closed. "This is actually kinda bad, but not as bad as last time."

Feliciano stood up and shook his head.

"Not you too Feli" Arthur said. "Look, if you just..."

Feliciano stamped one foot to cut him off and ran to the board, picking up a piece of chalk as he went.

It's worse than you thought

"What do you mean?" Arthur sighed. "We don't understand you."

Feliciano rolled his eyes.

I was told by Luciano the details that they found out. This time when you die, you die, and that's it.

He waited for a minute for the others to take this information in. There were a couple of gasps and someone, probably Yao, muttered about 'so Ivan really is dead?'

Although, they're trying not to kill anyone, as they've figured nations are weaker with one representative. They just want to put them as Luciano put it 'temporarily out of action'.

"Like with Lovino then?" Milen said, standing up. "He's considered temporarily out of action I guess, and maybe you Feliciano?"

Feliciano nodded.

And that is my contribution to today's topic

He grinned and went back to his seat to play with a corner on one of his papers.

"Well... that's that" Arthur said, sitting down. "Those who are dead, are dead. They're not... not coming back." He drew a deep breath and stared at them all blankly. "Not coming... back."

"Dude, you alright?" Alfred put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump.

"Get off wanker, I'm perfectly alright" Arthur shouted. "Now, does anyone else have any questions on the matter? There won't be a meeting next month due to the war, so any concerns you have now, please voice them now. They will go unanswered in the absence." Another couple of hand went in the air. "Feliks."

"So, if, like, Lukas and the other Nordics have 2ps" Feliks jumped up, speaking before he was even fully standing. "Would that, like, mean that others will have them too?"

Feliciano leapt out of his seat again and rushed to the board, dragging one of his sleeves across it, leaving a dusty white mark on his jacket.

I saw their meeting. They have too many to count, although I would have said it was around forty

"Dude, if it's too many to count, how come you counted them" Alfred peered at the board. "And forty isn't that many. There are fifty of us in this room... kinda... well around fifty anyway."


Feliciano jabbed the board under the face he drew.

"You know emotions are one of the few things you can still do right?" Alfred raised an eyebrow and Feliciano grinned, shrugging at the same time.

Arthur shook his head. "So, who did you notice in their meeting?"


"What?" someone from across the room shouted. Someone else spat out their drink and Arthur thanked himself for not taking any tea at that point like he had been about to.


Ravis, Eduard and Feliks stared at Toris who went white


"Crap" Sadiq shrieked, shoving his chair away from the Greek who scolwed at him.


"Eh?" Elizaveta stared at the board and exchanged a confused look with Roderich

and Leon

"Li Xiao isn't fighting anyone" Yao yelled, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

"I can deal with stuff" Leon muttered. "Probably."

"Is that it Feliciano?" Alfred asked as Feliciano placed the chalk back on the table in front of him, sitting down again. He nodded. "Okay, and is that all for today?"

"What are you planning to do about it?" Kyung Soo stood up and fixed them with a slighty pissed looking gaze. "You've done all this before, you have to have some idea on what we're going to do about it."

There was a silence from Alfred and Arthur which was broken after a long and antagonising wait by Arthur.

"I don't know."

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