Louis' House (Continued)

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I'm upset that I'm not the only girl that Harry has been with, but at the same time relieved that I am the only girl that Harry has ever loved.

I know that Harry went outside to give me some space, and time to think.

There are about 50 girls here that have had Harry, and might still want him. They are all beautiful, and slutty at the same time. I feel intimidated because just by looking at them I can tell that they have more experience in anything than I do.

I hope Harry cones back soon.

      (Lips of an Angel Hinder)

                 Harry's P.O.V:

If she turns around then she'll see me. I try to move, but my feet are stuck to the concrete.

She turns around, and smiles at me. I look down, and stare at my feet. She starts to walk over to me, her heels clicking on the ground.

  "Hi Harry." I look up. Her sweet voice fills my ears. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, and blushes.

  "Hi Paris." I feel like a young schoolboy again.

  "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" She smiles at me, and moves her hair to one side.

  "Yeah it has." I pause. "Look Paris I just want to t-thank you." I haven't sais those words in a long time, and I finally have the chance to tell her what I wanted to.

She nods and smiles at me. She leans and kisses me on the cheek, leaving my cheek warm.

                  Cam's P.O.V:

It has been 10 minutes, and I know this might sound lame but I already miss Harry.

I go outside, and look around. My eyes set on Harry and a girl.

The girl and Harry seem to be "flirting".

My heart shatters when she leans and kisses Harry on the cheek, he smiles after she kisses him.

My eyes fill with tears, and I run into the house.

  "Cam? Are you ok?" Tori asks. I don't dare to look up. I simply shake my head and plop on the couch. I put my head in my hands, and let a few tears fall.

  "Cam, what's wrong?" I quickly wipe away my tears, and look up to see a small group crowded around me. I smile at them to "fake" that I'm alright.

  "Sorry nothing. I'll tell you later." Tori nods and I stand up and fix my dress. "I need a drink."

  Niall is close by and Tori nods to him. Niall walks over, reaches in his pocket and hands me one of the "Hard Lemonades". I smile at him, and quickly open the drink.

When my lips feel the cool drink, I slightly calm down. My cheeks don't feel as heated, as they did a couple seconds ago.

A tall attractive guy stands beside me.

  "Hey, love. Haven't seen you around." I don't pay him any mind and just keep drinking my beverage.

  "Ignoring me, huh?" I nod and hope that he gets the signal that I'm not in the mood to talk. He soon walks away at my rudeness, and I praise myself for finally being rude to someone.

                  Harry's P.O.V:

Seeing Paris again has given me closure, from my childhood days. While she stands here infront of me there are so many things that I want to tell her, but I can't find the right words, as usual.

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