Chapter 64 Invitation

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*Ding Dong*

         (Heartbreak Girl 5SOS)

  I'm waken by the doorbell ringing. I look around me to see sleeping bodies. I turn to my side to see Harry beside me. His hair is shaggy and sexy looking, his chest is bare, and he only wears jeans and the key necklace I gave him.

I walk to the door, pulling Harry's shirt down a bit more so that they cover the boxers he lent me. I open the door to see...James?

  "James?" He looks up, and his eyes widen.

  "Cam? You live here? Wait you have two houses?" I chuckle at his questions.

I walk out the door onto the front porch and close the door behind me. The warm summer breeze relaxes me.

  "I live in an apartment in the inner city of London, well technically just staying there. Well I've been staying with my best friend and her boyfriend at his house. This house is just a beachhouse that Harry's father owns....its confusing." I say shaking my head and rolling my eyes. I take my hair out of the bun, and fluff it up, because the hair tie was hurting my scalp.

                James's P.O.V:

Cam takes her hair out, I loose my breath, but when she fluffs it I can't breathe. Her eyes are hypnotic and her hair is a brown ocean.

  "James?" She says waving her hand infront of my face. I blush when I realize she saw me stareing at her.

  "Sorry...what was that, love?" I ask her running my hand through my hair.

  "I was asking what you were doing here?" She says smiling and giggling a bit.

I rub the back of my neck with my hand. "My brother lives across the street." I take a deep breath. "He wanted me to ask if you guys would like to come over for know cause you guys are new to the neighborhood."

She looks across the street as to ponder the question.

  "That would be lovely thank you." She says sweetly. This girl is perfect.

  "Yeah no problem." She just nods her head smiling. Every time I'm with her I wish I knew what she was thinking.

  "Would you like to come in? There are 6 people sleeping in the living room, and a few cups left from last night." She shrugs giving an "I'm so embarrassed" look.

  "Cups?" I ask the stupidest and shitty questions.

  "Oh, Harry threw me a surprise party. I didn't really even know most nearly all of the people there, except for 6 which are in the living room. If I knew you would've been invited." She smiles politely.

  "It's fine, so I guess I'll see you tonight?" I ask.

  "Don't you want to come in?" She asks laying her small hands on the doorknob.

  "I would but my brother and his wife are at work, and I have to watch my nephew."

  "Oh alright, have fun. Text me when you are ready for us. See you later." She waves while I walk down the walkway. I turn around to see her smile before she walks back into the house.

                  Cam's P.O.V:

I close the door and lay my back on the door, and close my eyes.

  "Who was that?" I don't even have to open my eyes to know that its Harry, so I keep them closed and answer him.

  "James. His brother and his wife were very kind to invite us over for dinner." I say now laying my head on the door, and hugging my knees. I'm suddenly very comfortable.

  "What did that dic-" I open my eyes and glare at Harry before he can say anything bad about my friend. He sighs. "What did that James want?" He says while fakely smiling through his teeth, I roll my eyes at him.

  "I just told you. His brother asked him to ask us if we would like to join them for dinner." I say closing my eyes once more, resting my chin on my knees. I feel Harry's presence lower to my level. He rests his large hand on my small knee.

  "So he came all the way here just because his brother asked if we could join them for dinner?" I nod my head. "Isn't that like stalking? How did he know it was us living in this house?"

  "He didn't know it was us Harry." I'm getting really frustrated by him. "His brother saw that people were living or visiting in here and being a gentleman, he invited us over. James was just here to watch his nephew, so his brother figured "Why dont you ask them?" so James asked us...alright?" He nods his head slowly.

  "So you're saying I'm not a gentleman?" He says.

  "Ok I never said that, you just put words in my mouth." I stand up and walk back to the living room, but I'm halted when a strong hand grabs ahold of my arm.

  "I'm a gentleman, I can be like that son of a bitch! I'm pleasant...God Damnt!" I shush him.

  "Harry I never said you weren't or even that you were. Yes you are pleasant ok? People worship the ground you walk on." I say sarcastically, throwing my hands in the air.

  "Got that right." He smacks my butt and I glare at him while smirking. I walk back to my place on the floor, with Harry following behind.

We lay beside eachother, his arm around my waist. His hair tickling my ear.

  "You're mine, baby." He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my body, making me wet. "I'll show you later...I'll prove it to you." He kisses my lobe, kissing my jawline, he earns a moan and I feel him smile into his small kisses. " that for tonight." He hugs me closer, kissing my neck one last time before closing his eyes.

  "We have to get ready later though, I want to be ready at anytime just in case." I say whispering, trying not to wake the others.

  "Kay whatever...night or morning Cam." He says swinging his hand around.

  "Ok see you soon, babe." I kiss his forehead, and lay my head on his rock hard bare chest.

Instagram: @/ camarryislife
Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hello!!!! Update its short but I just wanted to update for you beauties!!:)

So I'm like done with school I can't take it anymore like its giving me anxiety!!!!!

I'm kiking my gurl Rachel and like we are talking about...One Direction the usual.

I've been in this fandom since 2010 and I'm like so proud of us, and our boys!!!! Go Directioners!!!!!

VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW!!!! :* I love you all!!!!

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