Chapter 47 Distance

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I'm not sure what to think about Cam being in that damned house. She seemed so comfortable around Lucas, which pissed me off.

Maybe she's testing me? Should I go back to the house?

It's 4:30 in the morning and I haven't slept, not even for a minute!

I get up and put my shoes on, I'm getting Cam and i don't fucking care what she says.

                  Cam's P.O.V:

This bed is hurting my back, but I could care less. All I'm thinking about is Harry. 

A tap on the window makes me get up. I groan getting up and I sound like an elderly lady.

I look out the window to find a dark clothed figure throwing rocks at the window.

I open the window and hold my hand infront of my face, just in case the person throws more pebbles.

  "What?" My tone is harsh, due to the pain in my back.

  "Cam, its me." The voice is deep, slow, and raspy.

The person puts his hood down, and exposes curly hair. Harry?

  "Harry? What are you doing here?" I quiet my voice so I don't wake anyone, that could possibly hurt Harry.

  "I came for you. I sound like a dork. Let's get this straight, this is not a fairytale story shit."

He speaks quietly, but he makes his words clear enough for me to hear him.

  "Fine. So what the hell are you going to do, exactly?" It feels good to swear, now I know why Harry does it all the time.

Harry starts to climb up the side of the house/building.

  "I thought you said it wasn't going to be a fairytale?" I smirk at him.

  "Shutup." I put my hands up in defense. "Grab your stuff and throw it out the window."

I grab what I brought (hardly nothing) and put them in a plastic bag. I throw it out the window.

Harry meets my face at the window, and even though he said that it isn't a fairytalr, just seeing him makes me feel like a "princess".


  "Hi." He says back, out of breath. I help him into the room.

  "Ok let's go." He grabs my hand.

  "Whoa you don't think I'm going with you right away, do you?" He looks at me astonished.

  "What? We don't have time for this!

C'mon!" He whisper yells at me.

I stand my ground and he sighs, dropping my hand.

  "Alright what do you want?" He runs his hand over his hair, something he does when he's frustrated.

  "Aren't you going to apologize?" I say smirking at him. I realize he already apologized, but I love to hear him saying it.

  "I already said it." I look at him, and cross my arms. He sighs.

"Cam I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you after you told me why you didn't like that. And I'm sorry for breaking up with you, it was a huge mistake. You need to know that this will happen a lot. Breaking up I mean."

I nod, and put what he said in my head about "breaking up". "Can we go now?" I laugh and instead I take his hand.

  "Alright." He looks around the room. "Hand me that sheet." I go to the bed and rip the sheet off the bed.

  He takes it from my hand and starts to twirl it. I look at his arms, his muscles hypnotizeing me.

He ties the end to another sheet and then ties it to a chair.

  "Ok I need you to hold onto me, tight. Don't you let me go, and whatever you do don't look down."

  "I won't." I grab onto him for my life, he grabs my thighs signalling me to jump. I jump and he grabs my thighs in the air, and wraps them around his waist.

  "Ready?" I nod.

Harry climbs down the sheet that has been thrown out the window. My eyes are squeezed shut. The wind hits me hard and I almost loose grip on Harry.

I can feel Harry's muscles shaking beneath me. It feels like Tarzan, never mind a fairy tale.

My bare feet touch the wet grass. Harry doesn't let me go, instead carries me like this to the car.

He runs which causes my body to "jump" up and down. I missed Harry's arms holding me.

He places me in the passanger seat and tosses the plastic bag in my lap.

He silently closes the passanger door, and runs back to the side of the house.

He comes running back throwing the sheets in the back of the car.

He closes the drivers door silently. When he turns the car on he steps on the gas driving away from this place.

"Thank you." I say quietly and look out the window.

  "Cam. You don't have to thank me, its fine."

By the way he talks to me, I can tell the bond between us won't be the same, for a while.


  "We have a 2 hour drive, to get you back to your apartment."

  "I don't want to stay at my apartment." He sighs.

  "I'm staying at Niall and Tori's, so I guess you can too." He shrugs and switches lanes.

  "Is that ok with you?"

  "What?" His tone is flat. "It's fine, Cam."

For the rest of the drive its silent, as usual the only thing heard is silent music.

I can feel Harry and I becoming more and more distant, with every mile that we drive.

Instagram: @/ camarryislife
Twitter: @/ letmalikstyles1

Hola bitchess! How are you? I had off today thank God! Like have you ever taken a moment to go on google images and look at recent pics of Harry? Like I cryed, and IDKY he is just so beautiful :')

So I love you all sooooo much!! Vote/Comment/Follow!! Byee!!!!!!

I'm Not Sure of My Feelings For You (Harry Styles and Camila Cabello story)Where stories live. Discover now