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I moaned as I came back to the world with a throbbing in my left temple. I opened my eyes to see Bellamy looking at me, a few of his people stood beside him. My wrists had been chained to the wall holding me upward, my feet a few inches off the floor. "Hello, Rhaella. It's nice to see you again." He said and I spotted my belongings lying on the floor. I nearly snarled to see the knife holder vest I was previously wearing. They had searched me. "I know you understand me, even if the other grounders don't. So let's cut to the case, and I'll go easy on you." Bellamy began. "How many?" I looked at the ground. If I was going down, I was going down a bitch. "How many what? Goats, weapons, bullets, books... the small amount of centimeters you call your penis." Bellamy's jaw tightened and I smirked meeting his eyes superiorly. "You can do whatever you like, beat me, torture me, kill me. I won't tell you a damn thing unless it is beneficial for me to tell you." A fist flew across my face, and I spat out blood with a chuckle. "Insults will get you nowhere, grounder." I growled, pulling at my chains. No one hit me and got away with it. No one had even dared to hit me in a very long time. Bellamy looked almost satisfied with himself and I calmed myself, for his sake. "Short temper, huh? How many grounders are out there?" I gathered a bit of blood in my mouth. With a curled lip I spat it at his shoes. I let my eyes flicker to his and I recalled what I had leaned about him. His name was Bellamy Blake, he was an alright guy and all he wanted was to protect his little sister. Last time our eyes met he was having a hard time walking right he was too consumed in my beauty. But not this time, all he was thinking about was the next blow he was going to send towards me. "Thank you for being specific." I snarled at him. "Just wait, Bellamy Blake. These chains won't hold me forever. And when they break, and they will. I will get my blood you owe me." I warned him with a seriousness that worried him. Bellamy sighed, and he leaned against one of the poles next to me. "Look, grounder, your people are a threat." He said struggling to keep his voice level. I was frustrating him, good. "I'm trying to look out for my people. Just tell me what I need to know, and I'll let you go. Easy as that." I stared at the ground for a long time, allowing them to think I was considering the proposition. I wasn't. I was thinking of my next words, of what I could say to show them I had been watching. To make them afraid of what I knew. I found them in a moment and tore my eyes away from the floor meeting Bellamy's big brown orbs before me. "I would believe you, honest..." I trialed off. "But, you killed a woman for having a second child. Yes, she was your mother, but how hard did you fight to protect her?" I asked him harshly, stunning him. "You gave boys knives, and you told them to go at it. You watched as I tried to save that child from falling into the canyon. How hard did you fight to protect any of them?" I let my words sink in. "You are all weak. You have limited supplies. You have only a handful of people, and you are making it impossible for any type of back up to come. That's not how you win a war, especially not with us." I threatened harshly with a hint of cockiness in my tone. Bellamy was pissed. He hit me again, and I fell limp in the restraints. I gasp yearning to protect my stomach where he hit me to avoid further damage. "I don't want to kill you, but you are making it very difficult." I threatened him as I tried to keep my temper in check. "I am going to ask you again, and then we move on to the next question." I glared at him, and he seemed to glare back. "How many grounders are out there?" He asked seriously. "Go to hell." I shouted in his face, yanking against the chains to see how far they would go. I fell back caught by the chains around my arms as they dug into my skin. Everyone held their breath, as though they expected me to do something. Instead I just smirked and got back to my feet, and collected myself. "Ask me all you want. I won't tell you." I assured him. "How's about instead I don't talk at all?" I told him as I shut my mouth with a grin on my face.

 "How's about instead I don't talk at all?" I told him as I shut my mouth with a grin on my face

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