A Growing Affection.

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I woke up earlier than the others, a good bit before dawn. Bellamy had his arms wrapped around me still deep in his sleep. I slipped from his grasp, quiet enough he didn't wake up. Rhae shifted, and Thalion let out a big breath as I grabbed the bow tying the quiver back to my waist once more. I opened the door, exiting the bunker quickly as some of the animals started their day. Looking at the sky, I had a feeling it would rain in the next day or two. I ran into the woods, looking at the ground for some type of tracks. Tracking was never my strong suit, but I was decent enough I rarely went hungry. There weren't any big animals around, but it looked like a few rabbits were around somewhere nearby. I didn't really need to hunt this early but I just needed some time on my own to process everything that had happened last night. Bellamy nearly sacrificeed his life to save my own and I kissed him. I kissed Bellamy. And worse he kissed me back. It was a dumb thing to do, we were on opposite sides. I wouldn't say enemy's but we were both bound to rival causes. But I couldn't stop myself. There was something about him that I couldn't shake. Somehow he had snuck his way into my heart and even though he was on the opposing side I suffered seeing him hurt. I found myself caring for a young man that I was supposed to hate. I was very confused.

I came back as the sun was coming up, carrying a rabbit for each of us. I opened the door looking around for the fire starter I stashed here. There was already fresh wood in the circle, and I got it going for cooking. Thalion woke up first, the early riser he was. He began cooking the first one I skinned, and I started skinning the other before Rhae woke up and skinned the fourth one. Bellamy was still asleep when we finished. I sat next to him on the bed, being as gentle with him as I usually was with Rhae and Thalion. "Bellamy." I said shaking his shoulder softly. "Bellamy, wake up. I got you some food." His eyes opened, and I held the plate out towards him. "I know you need to get back to your people, but eat first. Thalion is a good cook despite his age." My brother smiled, and I left the plate in his hands sitting down for my own meal. I took a bite, remembering I might not have had this if Bellamy hadn't saved me. It was quiet first, a rarity during eating. I laughed a bit remembering my mother, how she initiated the convocations. "So, how was yesterday?" I asked, taking charge of my siblings for once. Thalion shrugged. "It was boring around camp without you and Rhaeneys was moping the whole time because you were gone after mama's prye." He said in our native tongue. I gave her a look as Bellamy blinked confused, and Thalion smiled back innocently. "What? I was answering your question in a completely acceptable way." He answered back in Trigedasleng. "Because you're being impolite, Thalion. Speak English around the Sky People unless it is something that is none of their business. Right now, we are trying to have a decent breakfast, so act right." I nearly scolded him. "Act right?" Rhaeneys asked in our language. Bellamy blinked again, eating and being as quiet as he could be. "Acting right is staying with your younger siblings after your mother just died! But what did you do? You went to war, you put yourself in the same position our mother was in when she died, and you could have gone with her. You acted just as stupid if not more than when you got Viserra killed." I clenched my jaw. Viserra's death was a very sensitive subject for me and Rhaeneys knew that more than anyone. Thalion nearly dropped his plate as he looked to Rhae, shocked that she would dare bring up my dead twin. "I'm sorry, Bellamy." I said in English, glaring at my siblings. "Thalion and Rhaeneys are upset with me for joining the fight so soon after our mother's pyre." I explained to him. Bellamy only looked more confused. "We are unsure if we want to trust a Sky Person." Rhae said bluntly in English. I let out a breath I hadn't noticed I was holding. Bellamy looked at me and then back to my siblings. "I suppose you have good reason not to trust me or my people." Bellamy agreed calmly. This was not the reply Rhae thought she was going to receive. We could plainly see her shrink a little. "So," I began another topic. "I don't suppose asking about your day is appropriate?" I asked in a joking manor. Bellamy cracked a smile and I relaxed for a moment. Before he could respond my ears perked up as I heard a noise from outside the bunker. Rhaeneys grabbed a knife; I placed a hand on her shoulder, grabbing an arrow with a poisoned tip. I pushed the door open, finding a bird outside. I shooed it off, and it flew away. I came back in and sat the arrow down. "It was a bird." I told them, and they all just nodded. We were all on high alert. I noticed Bellamy was almost done eating. "If you'd like, I can walk you back to the drop ship. Who knows how dangerous the woods are for Sky People now." I said picking at the food I barely touched. I looked back up to see Rhae and Thalion glaring at me. I just held up a hand, sighing as I sat my plate down for anyone else to eat. "I'm not hungry right now anyway." I added, the thought of Viserra still lingering over me like a dark cloud. Rhaeneys's eyes flashed, and Thalion had a look of hurt. "Sorry, Visenya." Rhaeneys said in English, I shrugged. "Sorry about breakfast. It was inconsiderate, and my mother taught us to not fight in front of other people. I'm sure Thalion is sorry too." Thalion shrugged, looking down at his meal. "Yeah, sure. Super sorry." I stood up, grabbing my bow again. I looked around, finding a hair tie and braiding my long wavy black hair. Thalion held the plate towards me. "Bring it with you in case you get hungry on the way there." He said, expressing his concern for my health. He was young yet he could tell how easily depression took hold of me from the mere mention of Viserra's name. I shrugged, leaving it there and moving to leave until Bellamy grabbed my elbow. "You should bring it." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "Visenya." I took the rabbit off the plate, finding a bag and using it to hold the cooked meat inside. I opened the door, going outside with Bellamy behind me. "Nyko will be here soon to check on you two. Do not leave the bunker." I looked back to my siblings, giving them both a tight nod before leaving entirely. Bellamy kept beside me as we made a steady pace.

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